AI for Sports Analytics (AISA) Workshop
IJCAI 2021
AI for Sports Analytics (AISA)
A virtual IJCAI-21 workshop held on August 17th, 2021
Instructions on how to join the workshop are now posted on our Schedule page!
The past decade has seen a tremendous growth of interest in sports analytics, not only from an economic and commercial perspective, but also from a purely scientific one. In fact, there has been a growing number of papers published at top artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning venues that revolve around problems in sports, as well as multiple scientific events organized on the topic. Similar to other downstream domains that have benefited from advances of AI and machine learning, this growth in interest is due to important technological improvements in data collection and processing capabilities, progress in statistical learning and in particular deep learning, increased computational resources, and ever-growing economic activities associated with sports and culture (e.g., emergent consultancy ventures revolving around sports data collection and statistics).
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together AI researchers, sports data scientists, and other stakeholders who are interested in the intersection of AI and sports. In particular, we are interested in attracting work that focuses on the overlap of multiple areas of AI such as machine learning, game theory, and computer vision and their application to the sports analytics domain. We also plan to have a strong list of invited speakers, participant interaction, and panel discussions.
For further details, please refer to the Call for Papers page.