IIT Kanpur Summer School


Hydrodynamic Instabilities: Theory and Practice

17th-21st July 2023

 Course Overview

The subject of hydrodynamic stability deals with how fluid flows become unstable and serves as a precursor to understanding the important problem of laminar-turbulent transition. The prediction of the onset of turbulence is important to many branches of engineering and has also been actively studied by applied mathematicians and physicists. This summer course aims to introduce the participants to the concepts, methods, and tools of hydrodynamic stability and will prepare them to successfully tackle problems in this area using both analytical and computational techniques. After completing the course, the participants should be able to critically read and understand research papers related to hydrodynamic stability in leading journals of fluid mechanics. An important component of the summer school is the hands-on practice sessions using Mathematica/Matlab. Thus, the participants will also be well-equipped to carry out stability analyses in their areas of interest.

Course Outline


Who can attend?

The target audience is students who are doing their Masters or Ph.D. in the area of instability and transition, researchers from academia, and also researchers from scientific and industrial research laboratories who are interested in using the concepts and tools of hydrodynamic stability in their research.



Chemical Engineering,  IIT Kanpur

Assistant Professor

Chemical Engineering,  IIT Kanpur

Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering,  IIT Kanpur

Registration Procedure

Registration for the summer school is now CLOSED!

For any query, reach us at iitkhitp@gmail.com