IITB Analysis Seminar, Fall 2023

Organizer: Analysis group at IITB

Email: cbiswas (AT) iitb.ac.in

Time: Mondays, 4pm - 5pm

Room: Ramanujan Hall, Department of  mathematics, IITB

All talks will be in-person unless otherwise specified. If necessary the seminar might be scheduled at a different time to accommodate speakers. 

                                                List of speakers and abstracts

Date and Time: Monday 6 Nov, 2023, 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Venue: Ramanujan Hall, Zoom talk online

Speaker: Ayush Khaitan

Affiliation: Rutgurs University

Title: Conformal Geometry and Ricci flow

Abstract: We study a surprising duality between conformal geometry and Ricci flow. Using a classical construction called the Fefferman-Graham ambient space, we construct an infinite family of fully nonlinear analogues of Perelman's F and W functionals,  and study their monotonicity under several natural conditions.

Date and Time: Monday 13 Nov, 2023, 4pm - 5pm

Venue: Ramanujan Hall

Speaker: Senthil Raani

Affiliation: IISER Berhampore

Title: Distance Set Problems

Abstract: The distance set ∆(E) of a set E in Euclidean space consists of all non-negative numbers that represent distances between pairs of points in E. How does the structure of E impact that of ∆(E)? Questions of this nature play a fundamental role in geometric measure theory. We will begin with a brief history of results and conjectures on ∆(E). Apart from measure theoretic techniques, the asymptotic of the Fourier transform of measures supported on E plays a vital role in this study. Our main goal in this talk is to discuss a few properties of ∆(E) when E is sparse but has a large Hausdorff dimension. This is based on recent joint work with Prof. Malabika Pramanik.

Date and Time: Monday 20 Nov, 2023, 4pm - 5pm

Venue: Ramanujan Hall

Speaker: Ankit Bhojak

Affiliation: IISER Bhopal

Title: Sharp endpoint $L^p-$estimates for bilinear spherical maximal functions

Abstract: Abstract  

Date and Time: Monday 4 Dec, 2023, 1:30pm - 2:30 pm

Venue: Zoom talk online, 

Speaker: Yves Colin de Verdière

Affiliation: Fourier Institute, CNRS, University of Grenoble I

Title: On the spectrum of the Poincaré operator in ellipsoids.

Abstract: The Poincaré equation describes the motion of an incompressible fluid in a domain submitted to a rotation. The associated wave operator is called the "Poincaré operator". If the domain is an ellipsoid, it was observed by several physicists that the spectrum is pure point with polynomial eigenfields. I will give a conceptual proof of this fact and an asymptotic result on the eigenvalues.