Intelligent Information Processing Lab.

 중앙대학교 지능형 정보처리 연구실


Our Research Vision in Low-Resource Environments

Our lab is dedicated to addressing the challenges and leveraging the opportunities within low-resource environments, pioneering efficient, innovative solutions across data augmentation, language processing, and AI efficiency. Our mission is to democratize AI technologies, ensuring advancements are accessible and beneficial universally, particularly in contexts where resources are scarce but the potential for impact is immense.

Research Focus Areas within the Low-Resource Framework

- Our research advances multilingual and low-resource language processing, aiming to create inclusive language technologies that cater to a wide array of languages and dialects, improving accessibility and utility across diverse linguistic landscapes.

- We focus on innovative image and text data augmentation techniques tailored for overcoming data scarcity, employing strategies like curriculum learning to incrementally enhance model robustness and performance with minimal resources.

- We explore methods to increase the efficiency and robustness of AI models in environments with limited computational and data resources, including model compression techniques and robust training approaches that ensure sustainability and practicality in real-world applications.

By focusing on the unique challenges of low-resource environments, our lab not only contributes to the broader AI and machine learning community but also ensures that our research has a tangible impact on making AI technologies more accessible and equitable across the globe. Our commitment to this area reflects our belief that the most significant advancements in AI will come from solutions that address real-world limitations and strive for inclusivity and broad applicability.