Domicile: Bihar

Languages Known: English, Hindi, Regional language

Graduation: Bachelor of Arts in Economics

Linkedin ID:


Sangam is an extremely hard-working and highly- driven individual. He has a large appetite for learning new skills. He knows how to collaborate with different stakeholders. He is capable of leading even under extreme pressure and is an accomplished writer and orator. Having excellent analytical skills, he excels at finding solutions to problems quickly and efficiently. His best quality is never giving up and adapting to changes quickly. His vocal abilities and his general knowledge has always helped him in his career.

He has diversified knowledge and his critical thinking ability can offer new insights to a given problem. His interest leans towards learning new things, sports like vollyball and chess whenever he has time to spare. He is capable of managing a team because he makes team decisions after proper evaluation.


  • Participated in various Competitions and Essay writing

  • Contributed and learn a lot for Home-Business of pisciculture and LPG distribution (INDIAN OIL) and various agriculture.

  • N.S.S - Volunteer and team leader

Key Skills

MS Office, Basic of TALLY, Leadership, Adjustable Nature, Interactive and Communicating, Learning from Failure, Project Management.