Domicile: Telangana

Languages Known: English, Hindi, Telugu

Graduation: B.sc Agriculture

Linkedin ID: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramani-kishore-3b6362242/


Kishore is an Agriculture graduate. He is an enthusiastic and self motivated person. He is hardworking who believes in learning from mistakes. He loves travelling and is always curious to explore new places. He is a sports freak and nature lover. He is a quick learner and is adaptable to dynamic work environment.


  • Successfully completed training program of ACABC (Agri clinic and Agri business centers) in 2022 at CED-Hyderabad and received certificate from the “Ministry of Agriculture and farmers welfare Government of India”.

Key Skills

MS Word and PowerPoint. Good at writing and time management, adept in photography, critical thinking and Decision making.