Domicile: Maharashtra

Languages Known: English, Hindi

Graduation: B.E (Electronics Engineering)

Work Ex: 21 Months

Organization: CitiusTech Healthcare Technology Private Limited

Linkedin ID:


Nalin is an honest and self-motivated individual. He is an engineer having worked in roles as a quality assurance and software developer over his professional tenure in the IT sector. He is a passionate individual with an aim to collaboratively use his engineering skill set with the unique forestry management programme as his career in the coming future.

Within his short span of corporate experience, he has worked to ingrain strong leadership and decision-making qualities into himself. His passion and connection with nature and the environment have rendered him an efficient and effective individual.


  • Obtained certificate of appreciation for working 2 years (August 2017-August 2019) as Core Working Committee Member of Fire & Security Association of India (F.S.A.I) student chapter

  • Received Certificate of Appreciation from CitiusTech Healthcare Technology Private Limited for good performance in the allocated project

  • Successfully completed 6 months internship with SP-TBI (Sardar Patel Technology Business Incubator) in the role of marketing, operations and event management

  • Successfully published research paper at ICIDCA 2019 conference in Coimbatore conducted by Springer

  • Holds the position of responsibility of being Summer Internship Student Coordinator for PGDFM 2022-2024 batch

  • Holds the responsibility of working as a member in the Alumni Network Committee and the Cultural Club for the PGDFM Batch 2022-2024

Key Skills

SQL, MS Office Suite, Team Player, Strong Analytical and thinking Skills, Business Communication