Domicile: Kerala

Languages Known: English, Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi

Post Graduation: MSW in Rural, Urban and Tribal Community Development

Graduation: BA in English Literature, Communication and Journalism

Work Ex: 45 Months

Organization: Goonj

Linkedin ID:


Meelu is a confident and self-driven person. She is an excellent team player and her past work experience has given her ample amount of experience in leading a team. Her background in Journalism and Social Work has helped her in being observant and an active listener. She has worked in mitigation of multiple disasters in Kerala including floods, landslides and COVID-19. She also has interned with various organizations.


  • Worked as Skill Development Executive under Govt. of Kerala

  • UGC-NET in Social Work

  • Proficiency Award in Social Work

  • Second prize for Best Child Advocacy team in Samanwaya National Conference at BCM College, Kerala

  • Aptis by British Council

  • Received 5 bylines in Kerala Kaumudi, Kochi Edition

Key Skills

Communication, Active listening, Public Speaking, Team Leading, Interpersonal Skills, Conflict Management, MS Office(Word, Power Point, Excel)