Domicile: Bihar

Languages Known: English, Hindi,

Graduation: B.Tech in Computer and Communication

Work Ex: 12 Months

Organization: Accenture

Linkedin ID:


Kriti is a diligent and focused individual, determined to gain knowledge and skills in new subject areas and domains. She has a risk-taking attitude, loves challenging herself and has good communication skills, organisational skills as well as leadership skills. She is a travel enthusiast with a keen interest in exploring the world. Kriti is also known for her managerial skills with the experiences she got by working in different college festivals and clubs. She also likes to read articles related to the business world. She is a Computer and Communication Engineer from Manipal University Jaipur and worked on different projects within her academy. She did an internship of 6 months with Celebal Technologies and got to learn Machine Learning with various other skills. Kriti has work experience in Accenture Solutions where she worked as a Developer and a Tester on various projects in the Salesforce application where she dealt with the customer side of the project. She is keen on learning and working with organisations to contribute more towards the development of the company, society and self.


  • Digital Marketing Intern at NeoDocto.

  • Worked as a Developer in Celebal Technology for Projects.

  • Full Time Employee at Accenture for 1 year.

  • Class Representative for 2 years during B.Tech.

  • Leaded the Cultural Club during B.Tech.

  • Secured brown belt in Karate.

Key Skills

MS Office Suite, Programming in Python, Digital Marketing, Teamwork, adaptability, communication and problem Solving