Domicile: Jharkhand

Languages Known: English, Hindi, Bengali

Graduation: B.A. English Honours

Linkedin ID: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gouri-shankar-mahato-71750a247/


With a determination to seek the fire through the spark within, Gouri Shankar is a passionate, self-driven person who likes to initiate and seek out new challenges. He believes that art is in all the details and is willing to go the extra mile, be it any task. He is a diplomatic and active team player who keeps an open mind in any situation. He is adaptive and believes that there are no strangers, only friends that one has not met. He is hardworking, goal-oriented, and a quick learner. He constantly makes an effort to learn new things and is comfortable working in a team with a variety of people. He is an open-minded individual and believes in appreciating thoughts and different opinions. His habits include watching human history documentaries, cricket, and learning about old and new music.


  • Been in the organising committee in the inter college youth fest.

  • Stood second in debate competition during 2019 election on voting awarness.

  • Been part of several NGO's working for the upliftment of the tribals and underprivleged.

  • Been an active contributor in school and college magzine in writing and designing.

Key Skills

JASP, MS Office, Critical Thinking, Leadership, Sharp Observation, Adaptive