Domicile: Karnataka

Languages Known: English, Kannada, Tamil, Hindi (Partially)

Graduation: BBA- Specialized in International Business

Work Ex: 12 Months

Organization: KPMG

Linkedin ID:


Derick is a quick learner, cooperative, and adaptive with good communication skills. He is a constant seeker of personal and professional growth. His past work experience in the corporate world has equipped him with hands-on experience in the real world and taught him invaluable lessons which include, meeting deadlines, handling stress at the workplace, and adapting to any new environment. Derick is driven, and motivated and he likes challenges. He is always ready to take on any task presented to him. As a person who is involved in sports from a young age, he believes in teamwork, effective communication, and the ability to fail and learn from setbacks and move forward. Working in a team during his tenure at KPMG has taught him to inculcate the culture and values gained from sports and implement those learnings even at the workplace which ultimately gained him the internal position of a Subject Matter Consultant (SMC) within the team. As time progressed Derick realized his true field of interest which is in the area of Forestry and Wildlife conservation which has always been his passion and he is now determined to turn his passion into a career.


  • Participated and won at many Sports events at School, College and State Level

  • Corporate Internship at Anveshan- Business Development and Customer relationship Management.

  • Social Internship- Maruthy Dog Shelter

  • Certificate courses on Supply Chain Management, Social Media Marketing

Key Skills

Communication, Leadership, Public Speaking, Presentation skills, Networking, Time Management