Domicile: Uttarakhand

Languages Known: English, Hindi

Graduation: Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Communication)

Work Ex: 24 Months



2)National Informatics Centre

Linkedin ID:


Anshul is diligent, analytical and focused individual. He is an engineer who is adept at troubleshooting and managing complex problems. He is a hardworking individual who is keen at learning new skills. He takes charge in situations and is also capable of leading under pressure. Working in various roles has taught him how to go about collaborating with different stakeholders. He is an open-minded person who values different perspectives and believes in practical implementation of knowledge. He is a keen observer, a fast learner and an optimist who values time.

Key Achievements

  • He has worked as a software developer at NIC on various projects.

  • He has worked as a full time Assistant Manager at a startup company Inkcue

  • Successfully qualified Gate 2022 in Electronics and Communication


Analytical and Problem solving skill, Android Studio, MS Office