Domicile: Madhya Pradesh

Languages Known: English, Hindi

Graduation: B.Sc (Physics, Mathematics & Computer Science)

Work Ex: 12 Months

Organization: Addresswall.com

Linkedin ID: www.linkedin.com/in/aayushi-jain-5ba2b4243/


Aayushi is calm, cheerful and well mannered. She takes interest in art activities, as she love to paint. She truly deserved to be called as composed. She pursued a B.Sc. in Mathematics (specialization computer science) because she was captivated by how important numbers and figures are to our daily lives. In addition, she also took part in a range of science and art events while she was in school and at college.


  • Actively participated in various departmental and college events

  • She ranked among the top 5 students in college academics for 2 years in a row

Key Skills

MS office, Communication skills, Active listener, Creative, enthusiast, leadership