
2nd Anniversary Function 兩周年午宴

本會於2011年4月25日假 Pennant Hills 東城樓舉辦成立兩週年會慶,節目包括午餐及郭林氣功座談會,座談會內容由何開芳老師分享她本人抗癌和練功的經歷,及她多年來在中國各省市及多個國家推廣群體抗癌的心得,並與在場會友交流答疑。

A lunch gathering to celebrate the Association's 2nd Anniversary was held at the Eastern City Chinese Restaurant, Pennant Hills on 25th April 2011. The Seminar following lunch was hosted by Madam He Kaifang. Madam He shared with us her experience in practising Guolin Qigong and fighting against cancer, she also discussed with participants at the function and answered their queries.

Last update: 22/09/2011

何老師和特別嘉賓及新會員瑟维亚;瑟维亚抗勝癌症,並曾為慈善事業步行過中國萬里長城 Madam He with special guest and new member Sylvia Berjas Slykhuis, a cancer patient who had walked the Great Wall of China to raise funds for charity

當日出序者逾一百一十人。Over 110 members and guests attended the function.

何老師和本會理事、輔導員與嘉賓們合照。Madam He with our Committee Members, training assistants and special guests at the function.