
Newcastle Tour 北岸一天遊

國際郭林氣功文化研究會(澳洲分會)為慶祝該會成立三週年,於2012年4月7日(復活節周末) 舉辦北岸一天遊節目。50位參加者於該日早上8:30在依士活火車站圖書館側出發,全程乘坐空調旅遊巴士,暢遊麥覺理湖及紐卡素名勝,包括Toronto湖邊、紐卡素諾比斯燈塔 (Newcastle Nobbys Lighthouse)及Swansea 巖石海灘。午餐在 Cardiff 退伍軍人會所食豐富自助式午餐,車上沿途更播音樂影碟大唱卡拉OK金曲及玩有獎趣味問答遊戲,大家都玩得很開心。

Our Association organised a one-day North Coast Coach Tour on Easter Saturday 07/04/2012 to celebrate our 3rd Anniversary. 50.participants met at the Eastwood Train Station at 8:30am on the day. The air-conditioned coach took us to Toronto lakeside, the Nobbys Lighthouse at New Castle and Swansea (visiting the Cave Beach). Delicious buffet lunch was taken at the Cardiff RSL Club. During the coach journey, interesting Q&As with prizes were held and Karaoke songs were sung. All participants enjoyed the one-day tour.

Last update: 15/04/2012