Welcome to the International Guolin Qigong Culture Research (Australia) Association Incorporated (INC 9890930) Website
國際郭林氣功文化研究會(澳洲分會) 於二零零九年三月正式在澳洲紐省註冊為一非牟利社團組織,致力在澳洲以郭林氣功幫助病患者恢復健康及康健者防病養生。本會已於同年四月開始接受練功者申請登記成為會員。至二零二二年底,在本會學習郭林氣功者已逾六百人。本會練功班的教功教師皆成功完成 “北京抗癌樂園”健身推廣中心課程,經考核,具備郭林新氣功療法主教/輔導教師資格,由本會頒發每兩年需續期的教師證,他們均秉承郭林老師的無私精神,義務為本會學員傳授郭林氣功。
本會會章 Constitution of the Association
本會章程:向下滾動查看,單擊彈出按鈕下載副本 Scroll down to view and click Pop-out button to download a copy

Logo 會徽
Our Association Logo 本會會徽標誌
This logo is the property of our Association, no one should use this logo on any printed matters (including name cards), items and webpages, etc. without prior consent from the Association’s Management Committee. Illegal use of this logo is strictly prohibited.
1. 紀念專輯 - 由前會長Angela Wong 贊文 “見證「澳洲分會 」“ 參加。
2. 輔導員師範班 - 共有9位會員完成了 3月至5月舉辦的網上課程。
3. 視頻紀念大會 - 我們製作了一輯視頻介紹本會的創立, 過去十三年的發展及各類型的活動, 作為視頻的內容。

練功書籍及優盤 Book and USB
Our Association has a book and a demo USB on learning Guolin Qigong. These may be ordered from the Administrative Assistant on duty at our qigong classes.
免責聲明 Disclaimer
Anyone, whether well-being or patient, cannot rely solely on practising qigong exercises to improve his/her health. To attain optimal health, one must think positively, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, maintain a good living and working environment, do regular exercises, do periodic medical checks, and get the right medication.
Although Guolin Qigong is considered a good complementary therapy against many illnesses, people practising this qigong must observe the above guidelines and practice regularly to attain optimal health effects.
One must only practise qigong in accordance with his/her own physical ability and health condition at the time. Members should also observe the weather and practising venue conditions. A member should be responsible for his/her own injury, if any, due to practising qigong or location of practice. Members practising qigong should also take due care of their personal belongings. The Association will not be responsible for any loss/damage of these personal belongings.
Last update: 09/12/2023