It is recommended that you use a cross-platform URL to launch Google Maps from your app or website, since these universal URLs allow for broader handling of the maps requests no matter the platform in use. For features that may only be functional on a mobile platform (for example, turn-by-turn navigation), you may prefer to use a platform-specific option for Android or iOS. See the following documentation:

Welcome to the David Rumsey Map Collection. Here you can explore maps through a variety of viewers. Read the Blog to learn more about collection highlights, such as Urbano Monte's manuscript world map from 1587. Visit the physical collection at the David Rumsey Map Center at the Stanford University Library. Or take a virtual tour of the Map Center, which hosts events such as the recent Barry Lawrence Ruderman Conference on Cartography : Indigenous mapping.

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Levi Walter Yaggy (1842-1912) made brilliant maps and views for education in the 1887 Geographical Study and the 1893 Geographical Portfolio. 34 color plates of the world and universe inspired wonder. See all See for Yaggy's life.

Georeferencer v4 is an improved and updated version of our prior Georeferencer v3. It allows you to overlay historic maps on modern maps or other historic maps. The overlaid maps reveal changes over time and enable map analysis and discovery. You can choose your own maps to georeference by Searching LUNA and using the Georeference This Map button or help us georeference the entire online map library using our Random Map link to georeference maps in our First Pilot Project of 6,000 maps of major cities and regions. Users who georeference the most maps will be recognized in the bar displays below. Recently Georeferenced maps can be viewed by image or by location.

The MapRank search tool enables geographical searching of the collection by map location and coverage, in a Google Map window. Pan and zoom the Google Map to the area of the world you want maps of, and the results will automatically appear as a scrollable list of maps with thumbnail images in the right side window. The maps in the right side list are ranked by coverage, with the maps that have coverage closest to your search window listed at the top. Mousing over any map in the list will show the map's coverage as a light red rectangle on top of the Google Map. Clicking on a map in the list will open it in the Luna Browser. You can filter your results with the When timeline, the What or Who keyword text window, and the Map scale windows, as well as search by place name in the Find a place window. Learn more

And we believe, maps should serve as a common location reference, the common canvas on which vehicle and infrastructure sensor data combine to paint a realistic picture of the world. The map helps the car understand the world around it. And the map also includes the data that vehicle and infrastructure sensors cannot provide.

The only suggestion that I have would be to somehow check whether or not navigation is in fact available for the given route prior to passing to the maps application, and if not then display a prompt to the user, but I do not know the android API's well enough to be of any help here.

A) Evidence from fMRI adaptation. When viewing images of landmarks from a familiar college campus, fMRI activity in the left hippocampus scales with the real-world distance between the landmark shown on each trial and the landmark shown on the immediately preceding trial (adapted from ref. 25). B) Evidence from multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA). Voxelwise activity patterns in the hippocampus reflect distances between events intermittently logged by a camera worn by participants in the 30 days prior to the scan (aerial map of navigated territory shown on the left, as well as example pictures; adapted from ref. 28). C) Evidence from an encoding model. Participants performed a virtual reality navigation task. Grid cells in an individual rat all have the same orientation (; top row), and thus it was predicted that movements aligned with the grid orientation should result in more fMRI activity than movements misaligned with the grid. The expected pattern of results was observed in human entorhinal cortex (EC, bottom row; adapted from ref. 29)

Hundreds of thousands of organizations in virtually every field are using GIS to make maps that communicate, perform analysis, share information, and solve complex problems around the world. This is changing the way the world works.

While the WMM is traditionally used for navigation, it is now acquiring new utilities in consumer electronic devices with built-in digital compasses. Many of the new generations of smartphones and digital cameras take advantage of the WMM to estimate bearing. The availability of low-cost, small, and energy efficient electronic compasses allow for magnetic direction in portable electronics to be commonplace. NOAA is providing support to application development engineers to port WMM to their devices. For example, WMM comes pre-installed in Android and iOS devices, thereby bringing its use to more than a billion devices around the world. NOAA/NCEI has developed an application called CrowdMag that allows users to collect their own magnetic field data using the magnetometers in their phone. This app sends data anonymously back to NOAA so it can be used to help validate and expand future magnetic models.

The earliest known world maps date to classical antiquity, the oldest examples of the 6th to 5th centuries BCE still based on the flat Earth paradigm. World maps assuming a spherical Earth first appear in the Hellenistic period. The developments of Greek geography during this time, notably by Eratosthenes and Posidonius culminated in the Roman era, with Ptolemy's world map (2nd century CE), which would remain authoritative throughout the Middle Ages. Since Ptolemy, knowledge of the approximate size of the Earth allowed cartographers to estimate the extent of their geographical knowledge, and to indicate parts of the planet known to exist but not yet explored as terra incognita.

With the Age of Discovery, during the 15th to 18th centuries, world maps became increasingly accurate; exploration of Antarctica, Australia, and the interior of Africa by western mapmakers was left to the 19th and early 20th century.

Anaximander (died c. 546 BCE) is credited with having created one of the first maps of the world,[8] which was circular in form and showed the known lands of the world grouped around the Aegean Sea at the center. This was all surrounded by the ocean.

Strabo is mostly famous for his 17-volume work Geographica, which presented a descriptive history of people and places from different regions of the world known to his era.[14] The Geographica first appeared in Western Europe in Rome as a Latin translation issued around 1469. Although Strabo referenced the antique Greek astronomers Eratosthenes and Hipparchus and acknowledged their astronomical and mathematical efforts towards geography, he claimed that a descriptive approach was more practical. Geographica provides a valuable source of information on the ancient world, especially when this information is corroborated by other sources. Within the books of Geographica is a map of Europe. Whole world maps according to Strabo are reconstructions from his written text.

Marinus of Tyre's world maps were the first in the Roman Empire to show China. Around 120 CE, Marinus wrote that the habitable world was bounded on the west by the Fortunate Islands. The text of his geographical treatise however is lost. He also invented the equirectangular projection, which is still used in map creation today. A few of Marinus' opinions are reported by Ptolemy. Marinus was of the opinion that the Okeanos was separated into an eastern and a western part by the continents (Europe, Asia and Africa). He thought that the inhabited world stretched in latitude from Thule (Shetland) to Agisymba (Tropic of Capricorn) and in longitude from the Isles of the Blessed to Shera (China). Marinus also coined the term Antarctic, referring to the opposite of the Arctic Circle. His chief legacy is that he first assigned to each place a proper latitude and longitude; he used a "Meridian of the Isles of the Blessed (Canary Islands or Cape Verde Islands)" as the zero meridian.

The medieval T and O maps originate with the description of the world in the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville (died 636). This qualitative and conceptual type of medieval cartography represents only the top-half of a spherical Earth.[20] It was presumably tacitly considered a convenient projection of the inhabited portion of the world known in Roman and Medieval times (that is, the northern temperate half of the globe). The T is the Mediterranean, dividing the three continents, Asia, Europe and Africa, and the O is the surrounding Ocean. Jerusalem was generally represented in the center of the map. Asia was typically the size of the other two continents combined. Because the sun rose in the east, Paradise (the Garden of Eden) was generally depicted as being in Asia, and Asia was situated at the top portion of the map.

The Gangnido ("Map of Integrated Lands and Regions of Historical Countries and Capitals (of China)")[34] is a world map and historical map of China, made in Korea in 1402, although extant copies, all in Japan, were created much later. It plays a key role in reconstructing the content of the now-lost 14th-century Chinese map of the world named Shengjiao Guangbei Tu, which was based on Chinese cartographic techniques with additional input from western sources, via Islamic scholarship in the Mongol Empire. It also demonstrates the post-Mongol era stagnation of East Asian cartography as geographic information about the West was not updated until the introduction of European knowledge in the 16-17th centuries.[35] Superficially similar to the Da Ming Hun Yi Tu (which has been less well known in the West because it is kept in closed archive storage) the Gangnido shows its Korean origin in the enlargement of that country, and incorporates vastly improved (though wrongly positioned, scaled and oriented) mapping of Japan. Elsewhere, the map betrays a decorative rather than practical purpose, particularly in the portrayal of river systems, which form unnatural loops rarely seen on Chinese maps. Nonetheless, it is considered as "superior to anything produced in Europe prior to the end of the fifteenth century".[36] e24fc04721

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