The Convergence Security Engineering Lab. (CSE Lab) is a part of the Dept. of Convergence Security Engineering and Future Convergence Technology Engineering at Sungshin Women's University and is headed by Professor Il-Gu Lee

The current research of CSE Lab focuses on the convergence engineering of security and information technologies. 

Please send an email to iglee at sungshin.ac.kr If you are interested in CSE areas.

News | Notices | Awards | Publications | Patents


Collaborating & Coadvising Faculty

Researcher Openings

CSE Lab is looking for self-motivated Postdoc and Ph.D. candidates, M.S Candidates, researchers to work on the research topics of security convergence including data, network,  artificial intelligence and cloud computing. The projects are supported by the gorvernment and industrial funds. Feel free to contact Prof. Lee for more information about this vacancy. To apply, please send your motivation, transcripts and CV to Prof. Lee (iglee@sungshin.ac.kr).

Alumni Members (23 M.S) 

<2024 M.S degree (Spring)>

<2023 M.S degree (Fall)> 

<2023 M.S degree (Spring)>

<2021 M.S degree> 

<2019 M.S degree> 

Alumni Members (57 Undergraduate) 

Dissertation of Degree