Welcome to the 48° Incontro di Grammatica Generativa



 The Incontro di Grammatica Generativa is the annual Italian conference on generative linguistics, now at its 48th edition. 

We are pleased to announce that  this edition of the Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG48)  will be hosted by the Department of Humanities (DILEF) of the University of Florence ,  from 16th to 18th February 2023.

For the main conference, we invite abstracts for 40 minute talks (30 minutes for presentation +10 minutes for discussion) or for posters on any topic related to formal linguistics, with special emphasis on formal phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. To have more information you can have a look at the "Call for Papers" section.

In addition to the main conference, there will be a workshop on "Language variation, language change and linguistic contact" on the morning of the 16th

The official language is English.



We also acknowledge the project NAMS (Navigating ambiguity when reading from multiple sources: The interplay between the reader and the text) for supporting the organization of the conference (PI: Prof. Christian Tarchi, Co-PI: Prof. Ludovico Franco).