IgA Nephropathy Treatment in Ayurveda

What is IgA Nephropathy?

IgA nephropathy is a form of chronic kidney disease which progresses over 10 to 20 years. IgA is a form of antibody caused by the deposits of immunoglobulin A inside the nephrons and glomeruli in the kidneys. IgA buildup influences how a healthy kidney function and ultimately leads to end-stage renal disease.

IgA nephropathy leads to:

  • Blood and protein in the urine (Hematuria and proteinuria)

  • Swelling in the hands and feet (Edema)

IgA nephropathy leads to inflammation in the glomeruli. The daunting part about IgA nephropathy is that there is no cure for it in allopathy. Still, IgA nephropathy ayurvedic treatment does help to slow down the course of the condition.

What May Cause you IgA Nephropathy?

IgA nephropathy is an autoimmune disease caused due to impaired immune system response harming the kidneys. The damage begins due to the elevated blood level of IgA, which has less sugar galactose than normal. This deficiency is not recognized by the other antibodies in the body, which they consider a foreign substance. Due to faults, the other antibodies start to attach themselves to the galactose-deficient IgA and form lumps. During IgA nephropathy, those clumps happened to build up in the glomerulus and nephrons. The result is inflammation, known as glomerulonephritis, which is the reason for end-stage in IgA nephropathy patients later in life.

Scientists also believe that IgA nephropathy runs in the family lines. A several of the genetic markers play a major role in the development of IgA nephropathy.

Other causes of IgA nephropathy may include:

  • Liver diseases. Liver cirrhosis happens when the normal and healthy cells within the liver are replaced by scar tissues.

  • Celiac disease. Consuming a diet rich in gluten ( a protein found in grains) hampers the digestive condition.

  • Infections. HIV and some bacterial infections may also damage the immune system response and cause IgA nephropathy.

Risk factors

For IgA nephropathy, some risk factors are responsible for the development of this condition, such as gender, age, and a family history of kidney disease.

Most commonly, IgA nephropathy develops in people in their 30s.

Taking IgA nephropathy ayurvedic treatment ensures that you get better and serious complications do not overpower your health condition.

What Are Some Complications of IgA Nephropathy?

How IgA nephropathy will affect a person cannot be concluded before. Some people will have the condition for years and not know about it. They remain undiagnosed for years while others may develop one or more serious complications, like:

High blood pressure. Inflammation in glomerulonephritis can result in impaired kidney function. Unhealthy kidneys may not function well and result in fluid retention due to which blood pressure increases.

High cholesterol. High cholesterol may increase the risk of a heart attack.

Acute kidney failure. Acute kidney failure is the abrupt loss of the filtering capacity of the kidneys. People with IgA nephropathy may have an increased risk of acute kidney failure. But given IgA nephropathy ayurvedic treatment, you can return to your original health.

Chronic kidney disease. It is the gradual loss of kidney function over time.

Nephrotic syndrome. Nephrotic syndrome is a condition in which the body starts to emit blood and protein along with the urine. Some of the conditions include high urine protein, low blood protein, high cholesterol, and swelling of feet, and abdomen.

How is IgA nephropathy diagnosed?

Your healthcare provider will screen your health and do a physical exam to know if you have kidney disease or not. Other tests may include:

  • Cholesterol test

  • Blood and urine tests to check for blood and protein in the urine

  • A kidney biopsy is usually done by taking a small tissue from the kidney and analyzing it for any disease or condition. The test can help rule out IgA nephropathy in this case.

IgA Nephropathy Ayurvedic Treatment

IgA nephropathy ayurvedic treatment helps to improve kidney function using some herbal concoctions. Ayurveda is one of the best therapies to bring some powerful changes in the diseased kidney. Though IgA nephropathy is hard to be reversed otherwise, adopting Ayurveda will help slow down the course of the disease and reduce intense complications.