My workflow often involves comparing two Finder windows side by side. I use shortcut 2 (see screenshot) to quickly cycle between the windows. However, the annoying thing is that the cycle also includes the desktop as a 'window'. Instead, I would just like to cycle between the two floating windows.

The closest I've come to achieve this is shortcut 1. This shortcut excludes the desktop, but unfortunately it will also cycle between the windows of all apps. It also doesn't work properly in Split View.

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To be clear: I really want to exclude the desktop from the cycle because that enables me to use one shortcut to switch between the windows. I'm aware that you can go to the previous window using shift, but it's just way, way easier to go back and forth using the same shortcut.

At this point you can really try it out. Go to the Finder and open two windows. Then go to the menu bar, choose Finder -> Services -> Swap Front Windows. It takes a moment, but it works. That's cool, now let's hook it up as a keyboard shortcut.

It's not entirely obvious from the Shortcuts Preference pane listing, but on most MacOS applications, you can switch the focus between two windows in their index order by with keystroke Command-` for the next window and keystroke Command-Shift-` for the previous window.

Here is a really useful macro, first suggested to me by Adam Engst - basically, every time the Finder activates, it brings all the Finder windows to the front. Once you've used this macro, you'll find it hard to use a Mac that doesn't do this!

Actually, I have no idea why I used the menu instead of the action. One down side of the action would happen in exactly the above case - it would bring the windows of the second application to the front instead of the Finder.

The macOS for decades has allowed an application to become frontmost by clicking on a window visible in the background with the mouse, but sometime after OSX came along when windows from other applications obscure that app's windows other than the one clicked they remain obscured.

Peter's macro recreates this behavior and makes certain all Finder windows become visible when the user switches to the Finder, and this method may be used with all apps that support multiple windows (that I know of).

It seems to work correctly on my intel iMac but on my MacBook Pro silicon it only brings the finder windows forward on one of my screen. Seems a bit random which of my three monitors (each with Finder windows) will be the one to have its finder window brought forward. Still this is Better than the macOS default. I am definitely a noob with keyboard maestro but I'll try out your suggestions. Thanks Peter

I'm trying to combine this to my Quit All workflow (but tested it alone), since Finder windows stay open. I've been searching and trying things out for the past hour. I found this thread, but no matter what I do, it doesn't work. Is there a way to make it work? Or is there a working Applescript that can activate Finder and then do Option+Cmd+W?

By default, new Finder windows open to Recents, but we wanted new Finder windows to open to the user's OneDrive folder instead. You can set this by hand in Finder > Preferences > General, but I wanted a way to scrip it to deploy it to all of our Mac users. The script I ultimately arrived at is fairly simple, but figuring out exactly how to put it together took quite a bit of trial and error, so I wanted to share this in case anyone else is interested in doing this. In addition to trial and error I'm indebted to the Jamf Nation community. Looking through other threads where people were looking to modify NewWindowTarget was very helpful. Also worth mentioning that users can still modify this in Finder > Preferences if they prefer their new Finder windows to open in a different folder. Here's the script:

Note the last line. Where it says "OneDrive folder name here" you'll have to specify the actual folder name. OneDrive creates a folder that includes the organization name (at least as we've configured it via Office 365), so it'll be different for each organization. It's also possible that your OneDrive folder is in a different location than the Home folder, though the Home folder is the default location. In our organization the vast majority of users have their OneDrive folder in their Home folder. If a user's OneDrive folder is in a different location (like Desktop) then the user's new Finder windows will open to their Home folder instead.

What was tricky about this is that there are the two keys: NewWindowTarget and NewWindowTargetPath. NewWindowTarget has custom values for pre-defined folders. So Home is PfHm, Desktop is PfDe, etc. But if you're wanting to have new Finder windows open to a custom location, you need to have the top line that directs NewWindowTarget to PfLo and then your second line points NewWindowTargetPath to the specific directory that you want your new Finder windows to open to. So while I've focused on pointing this to the user's OneDrive folder, this could potentially be used to have any folder be the target of new Finder windows.

I am using 10.12.3 on a late 2013 Mac Pro and the Dualpane workflow functions fine for me. Two Finder windows line up correctly as specified by the default "bounds" with my default set to "icon" view.

I have had no luck searching the interwebs for this answer, so.... on my MacBook (running Monterey 12.2.1) when I open an application, then switch to a different desktop using Mission Control, the application stays on the desktop on which it was opened. EXCEPT Finder windows. They show up on every desktop, no matter where they were opened. This is very annoying to me and I am so far unable to find a setting to change that behavior. Does anyone know how to keep Finder windows on only the desktop they were opened on? Thanks!

For years I've enjoyed the Finder behaviour of windows reopening when my Mac is restarted. I have a set of windows in a layout I like, & all pointed to the work I'm currently at. Since upgrading to El Capitan my Finder windows no longer reopen on restart ?

When you shut down your computer, and you get the little message box that pops up telling you the computer will shut down in 1 minute, make sure the box asking you if you want all previously opened windows to reopen is checked. That way, whatever Finder windows you have open when the computer shuts down will reopen when you start it back up again.

I have this same complaint and I know that checking the "reopen previously open windows" DOES NOT work for Finder windows. After a shut down only the Documents window is open when the computer restarts. Try it and you will see this is true. The check box only works for applications and their windows. I have asked the staff at two different Apple stores and get the same incorrect answer. I called Apple while my iMac was under warranty and they acknowledged that this situation was true and didn't see it as a problem. Also this problem started a couple of OS X systems before El Capitan. Either Mavericks or Yosemite, but I can't remember. I used to do the same thing that Bandido described, keeping a bunch of windows open in a layout.

This morning for some reason all the Smart Sync icons in finder windows have disappeared. Syncing is still functional, but the icons are gone. I've restarted, re-installed the app, toggled "enable Finder integration" on and off, all with no result.

I just installed Archicad on my MacBook Pro. One odd bug that is immediately apparent is that finder windows are comically wide. I've attached a video showing the window, and how I cannot adjust its width. The height can be adjusted, just not the width. Is this a bug?

I can do that via or by using the different WD apps, but then if I want to open files then I have to download it first. the WD MyCloud app is almost ideal, however it does not map the cloud in finder/windows explorer so other programs cannot browse on the drive.

You can simply click Close All and all open Finder windows will be exited. Alternatively, you can also press CMD+OPTION+W on the keyboard and all your Finder windows will be closed.


In FInder's preferences you can set the folder that each new finder's window will open. Alternatively in the applescript chunk, instead of tell application "Finder" to activate you could specify which folder (e.g) do shell script "open ~/Downloads". Whatever one decides has to be mirrored in the Move / Resize Window with title (shown above); otherwise new opened windows won't "follow" the 

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This particular issue might sound like a small detail to some readers, and to a certain extent it is. But it is a pretty fundamental thing that affects basic interactions with Finder windows in a very real way, and creates an ever more inconsistent, unpredictable experience for the end user.

As you have worked out, NSOpenPanel & NSSavePanel open file dialogs - not really Finder windows, but they open the dialogs that allow you to select files for opening or saving. And you have worked out how to limit the selections to certain file types.

And again, the new design of Finder windows in Big Sur seems to favour bigger screens with retina resolution even with regard to window management. To be able to see all your toolbar controls you have to widen each window to a considerable degree. On smaller screens windows end up taking more space than before, thus cluttering the Desktop unnecessarily and making simple drag & drop of files between windows more awkward.

Another UI element I hope is just temporary is the big, dark handle to adjust icon size in Finder windows, located at the bottom right corner (5). It looks a bit cartoonish and I feel it attracts more attention than it should. Compare it with the more understated counterpart in previous Mac OS versions (see the High Sierra Finder windows screenshots above).

The Finder uses a view of the file system that is rendered using a desktop metaphor; that is, the files and folders are represented as appropriate icons. It uses a similar interface to Apple's Safari browser, where the user can click on a folder to move to it and move between locations using "back" and "forward" arrow buttons. Like Safari, the Finder uses tabs to allow the user to view multiple folders; these tabs can be pulled off the window to make them separate windows. There is a "favorites" sidebar of commonly used and important folders on the left of the Finder window. 006ab0faaa

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