Friday, September 22nd, 2023

10:00 - 16:30 Pacific Time (PDT) — UTC-7

Quantum Algorithm
Design Automation

at Bellevue, Washington

IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering


- Workshop Focus -

As bigger quantum processors with hundreds of qubits become increasingly available, the potential for quantum computing to solve problems intractable for classical computers is becoming more tangible. However, designing efficient quantum algorithms is key to achieving quantum advantage. Quantum algorithm design is challenging due to the unique nature of quantum computing. Traditionally, quantum programming has been done using quantum assembly language and qubit-level reasoning. However, as quantum computing continues to evolve, programming is going beyond these limits, requiring new tools and approaches to enable efficient algorithm design. The complexity of quantum algorithms is increasing, and the need for automation in quantum algorithm design, programming, and compilation is becoming more apparent. Quantum algorithm design requires understanding the underlying quantum hardware and the problem being solved. Researchers are actively exploring existing and new approaches to algorithm design that can leverage the unique capabilities of quantum computing to solve problems more efficiently. Automating these processes can help to speed up the development of quantum algorithms, reduce errors, and improve the efficiency of quantum computing. This workshop will explore emerging trends toward the automation of quantum algorithm design, programming, and compilation.

- Objectives -

The Quantum Algorithm Design Automation workshop aims to consolidate the current state and research directions with the following goals:

The focus will range across automation techniques based on evolutionary computation, reinforcement learning, variational optimization, geometric machine learning, logic synthesis, and diagrammatic reasoning.

The workshop will end with a call to action for establishing collaborations. 

- Format -

The one-day workshop (4.5 hours) will cover three themes over three sessions (of 90 minutes each).

The first two themes will cover specific QADA techniques based on, (i) soft computing, and (ii) information theory. The aim is to provide a research overview of diverse QADA techniques for all the participants. Each technique will be presented by an invited speaker at the workshop. In this series of talks, the speakers will focus on presenting:

The third theme is how the UI/UX of quantum computers will evolve in the near future.
Finally, a panel discussion is being planned based on the workshop talks, that is intended to spark cross-technique dialogues.

Theme 1

Soft-computing based QADA

Focus on heuristic and learning-based QADA approaches that are influenced by soft computing. E.g., evolutionary computation, reinforcement learning, variational optimization.

Theme 2

Quantum information based QADA

Focus on QADA approaches that are influenced by quantum information theory. E.g., geometric machine learning, logic synthesis, diagrammatic reasoning, and theorem proving.

Theme 3

UI/UX of Quantum Computers

Discussion topics include programming using chatbots;  quantum programming paradigms; domain-specific libraries; debugging, verification and validation; IDE and cloud infrastructures; quantum computing education.
The goal of this event is to bring leading researchers in quantum algorithm design automationtogether from across the globe and spark interesting conversations.

Register for the event

The Quantum Algorithm Design Automation (QADA) workshop is part of
the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE23).
You can register on the QCE23 page.  


We are pleased to announce that we have garnered the support of the following organizations and research groups. They acknowledge that Quantum Algorithm Design Automation is of focal importance in current quantum computing research. 

We aim to build a collaborative community around this topic.