第七屆國際設計研究論壇暨研討會(IDSFC 2020)


The 7th International Design Study Forum and Conference
(IDSFC 2020)

Due to COVID-19, IDSFC 2020 would adjust to online poster and presentation.


Design Revolution設計轉生─產業、文化、地方的互動與再造

Conference Theme

Design Revolution-The Interaction and Reinvention within Industry, Culture and Region


第七屆國際設計研究論壇暨研討會(IDSFC 2020)將於2020年07月04日在台灣國立雲林科技大學舉行,它將為設計及研究人員提供互動與創新再造主題的交流平台,徵求產品設計、城鄉空間、社區營造、設計教育、互動介面、品牌文創、視覺傳達、數位媒體等設計領域相關之學術論文或實務研究,歡迎來自世界各地的產、官、學之專家與學者參加IDSFC 2020。


Conference Purpose

The 7th International Design Study Forum and Conference(IDSFC 2020)will be held at National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (NYUST) on 4th July, 2020. It will bring an interactive and reinvented communication platform for designers and researchers. We call for the academic and practical research of product design, built environment, community development, design education, interactive interface, cultural and creative branding, visual communication, digital media, and other related fields. Welcome the specialists and researchers of industry, government and academic from all over the world.

The purpose of IDSFC 2020 is to facilitate the cross-disciplinary collaboration between researchers and specialists in different fields. To reverse and rebuild new ideas and encourage communication and cooperation in innovative design. Hope to bring new thoughts and methods by the perspectives from different fields.


研討會名稱:2020年第七屆國際設計研究論壇暨研討會(IDSFC 2020)



會議地址:64002 雲林縣斗六市大學路3段123號


主網站: https://sites.google.com/view/idsfc


Conference Summary

Name of Conference: The 7th International Design Study Forum and Conference(IDSFC 2020)

Date of Conference: 4th July, 2020 (Sat.)

Location: the College of Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Address: No. 123, Section 3, University Road, Douliu City, Yunlin County, 64002, Taiwan

Contact: idsfcyuntech@gmail.com

Official website: https://sites.google.com/view/idsfc

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IDSFCYuntech


本次研討會主題:Design Revolution /設計轉生,主題為:文化、地方、產業的互動與再造。1. 徵稿範圍包括下述設計相關領域之學術論文或實務研究成果:










The theme of conference: Design Revolution-The Interaction and Reinvention within Industry, Culture and Region. We are inviting academic papers or practical research outcomes which are related to the design fields as follows:

A:product design

B:built environment

C:community development

D:design education

E:interactive interface

F:cultural and creative branding

G:visual communication

H:digital media


■ 投稿日程

  1. 論文摘要繳交:2020年5月15日(星期五)

  2. 審查結果通知:2020年5月31日(星期日)

  3. 論文全文繳交:2020年6月10日(星期三)

  4. 摘要通過繳交費用截止日期:2020年6月20日(星期六)

  5. 海報上傳繳交:2020年6月20日(星期六)

■ 研討會時間


Important dates

Important dates

submission schedule

  1. Submission of Abstract due: May 15, 2020 (Fri.)

  2. Acceptance of Abstract: May 31, 2020 (Sun.)

  3. Submission of Full paper due: June 10, 2020 (Wed.)

  4. The registration Fee due: June 20, 2020 (Sat.)

  5. Submission of Poster: June 20, 2020 (Sat.)

Time of Conference

Date : 4th July, 2020 (Sat.)


■ 投稿方式

  1. 本研討會採論文摘要審稿,文件繳交請上線上投稿系統,投稿系統請至 https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=idsfc2020# (easychair說明請見 下載)。

  2. 徵稿對象為國內外各大專院校設計相關系(所)教師、研究生以及設計界先進。

  3. 審查方式將由國立雲林科技大學設計學研究所聘任相關領域之學者專家組成評議小組審查。

  4. 論文請勿一稿二投,投稿者須依審查委員審議結果於研討會當天進行線上發表,未依規定發表者,則不予頒發「電子論文發表證明」及「電子論文集」。

  5. 所有投稿相關文件將以電子檔的形式投稿。投稿電子檔請提供WORD格式。

  6. 經審閱過且接受之優秀論文,則會推薦轉投「設計學刊」。

■ 費用

  1. 本論文研討會依投稿篇數繳交報名費:
    臺灣人註冊費1200 TWD,國際註冊費2000 TWD

  2. 報名費不包含匯款手續費,若金額不符,視同未報名完成。

  3. 論文經審查被退件者,本單位不做退款之動作,如有不便之處,敬請見諒。

  4. 請將匯款收據掃描檔上傳,並於收據上註明投稿者姓名、手機號碼。

  5. 匯款帳號:

臺灣人註冊費1200 TWD

郵局 中華郵政

局號 700

帳號 00314960147336

戶名 洪慶助

國際註冊費2000 TWD,使用PayPal付款




■ 發表形式

  1. 線上英文口頭發表:10分鐘報告,5分鐘對談與問答。

  2. 海報英文發表:線上展示時間2020/07/04早上9:30到下午5:00。

  3. 線上英文口頭發表每組3個場次,共8個組別。

Paper submission

Paper submission

Submission guidelines

  1. Please submit your abstract online via https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=idsfc2020# (how to upload paper PPT)

  2. We are inviting domestic and international professors, graduate students from design and other related departments in universities and colleges, also professionals in design domain.

  3. The review committee is consist of scholars and experts from related fields recruited by Graduate school of design, NYUST.

  4. Submit paper should be the first-time published. All authors of accepted papers by the committee are obligated to do online presentation on the conference day. If authors fail to meet the requirement, “digital certificate of presentation” and “digital conference proceedings” will not be issued.

  5. All the submit documents should be in WORD format, digital file.

  6. The outstanding papers will be recommended to Journal of Design Studies.

Registration Fee:

  1. Domestic registration is NTD 1,200; international registration is NTD 2,000.

  2. The registration fee does not include wire transfer charge. Incomplete payment of the designated fee(s) would lead unsuccessful registration.

  3. No refund will be issued, if the article is unaccepted after review.

  4. Please scan and upload the remittance receipt (in jpg file), indicating the author’s name and mobile phone number on the receipt.

  5. Please use PayPal for the payment of international registration. https://www.paypal.me/minghanbai/2000TWD

  6. Payment proof upload page. https://forms.gle/G5D58sRu7y1iCQKs6

Presentation Format

  1. Online English oral presentation: 10 minutes presentation and 5 minutes Q&A.

  2. Online poster presentation: from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on 4th July, 2020.

  3. The online English oral presentation of 8 topics will be divided into 3 sections.


*由於疫情關係,本次國際研討會將採改線上海報與發表的形式進行 *

時間:2020/07/04 (星期六) 上午9:30─下午5:00


地址:64002 雲林縣斗六市大學路3段123號


Due to COVID-19, IDSFC 2020 would adjust to online poster and presentation.

Date and Time: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 4th July, 2020 (Sat.)

Location: the College of Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Address: No. 123, Section 3, University Road, Douliu City, Yunlin County, 64002, Taiwan


■ 論文摘要:


■ 論文全文:


■ 發表形式

本研討會發表形式為線上英文口頭論文發表(附海報論文展示),論文之發表形式將由評議小組審查後通知: 線上英文口頭論文發表10分鐘英文簡報內容,5分鐘與評論人及與會者對話,場次依會議當日活動議程表規定。

海報論文發表,現場展示時間為7月4日上午八點半至下午五點整,海報版面尺寸【A2】為直式 598 mm(寬)x 840 mm(高),若要來到大會展示將提供展示架和膠帶。


※海報格式下載 Google Drive (New! 6/12 更新)

※摘要格式下載 DOC

※徵稿格式下載 DOC ZIP

※研討會主視覺下載 JPG

※稿件上傳easychair說明 下載

※著作授權同意書下載 DOC




Abstract :

It should be written in English and included subtitle, author, organization, email, content and keywords. The content should cover research problem, purpose, method and discovery. The paragraph should be consist of 300 to 400 words in total, and no less than 3 or no more than 5 keywords.

Full Paper :

Please submit 6-8 pages of full paper in English (including abstract and references). The article would not be published if it is inconsistent with the given format. Articles should also be accompanied by a signed copyright statement.


The author of accepted paper is required to do online presentation in English with poster display. We will notify the way of presentation after the results of committee review are released. The author will have 10 minutes presentation and 5 minutes Q&A with commentator and other participants. The section arrangement will follow by conference itinerary.

Poster Presentation

Printed poster will display in A2 size, 598 mm (width) x 840 mm (height), from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on 4th July. We will provide poster stand and tape if the author wants to exhibit the poster on-site.

Please download the following documents :

※download the format of poster Google Drive (NEW! 6/12 Update)

※download example format of abstract DOC

※download example format of paper DOC ZIP

※download key vision of IDSFC 2020 JPG

※how to upload paper PPT

※Authorization consent DOC

※presentation form download PPTX ZIP

※list of selected papers (TBC)





National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

123 University Road, Section 3,Douliou, Yunlin 64002, Taiwan, R.O.C.

行駛高速公路 By freeway



國道一號雲林系統交流道(243.7 km)→78線快速公路往古坑方向→斗六/古坑交流道出口右轉台三線(往斗六)→本校

國道一號(240.6 km)→下斗南交流道右轉→台一線→雲林路左轉→至斗六右轉大學路三段→本校



國道一號(230.5 km)→下西螺交流道→台一線→莿桐鄉→省道1乙→西平路→中山路→右轉大學路三段→本校

國道一號(240.6 km)→下斗南交流道右轉→台一線→雲林路左轉→至斗六右轉大學路三段→本校

國道一號雲林系統交流道(243.7 km)→78線快速公路往古坑方向→斗六/古坑交流道出口右轉台三線(往斗六)→本校



國道三號古坑系統(269.2 km)→台78線快速公路往古坑方向→斗六(台三線)→本校(大學路三段123號)


國道三號古坑系統(269.2 km)→台78線快速公路往古坑方向→斗六(台三線)→本校

國道三號(260.3 km) →下斗六交流道往斗六方向→於石榴路/台3線向右轉→台3線→於大學路一段/台3線向左轉→本校

National Freeway No. 1

(north bound)

Yunlin interchange system, National Freeway No. 1 (243.7 km)→ No. 78 expressway bound for Gukeng→ take Douliu/ Gukeng interchange exit and turn right to Provincial Highway No. 3 (bound for Douliu)→ NYUST

National Freeway No. 1 (240.6 km)→ take Dounan interchange exit and turn right→ take Provincial Highway No. 1 and turn left at Yunlin Rd.→ arrive Douliu and turn right at Sec. 3, University Rd.→ NYUST

(south bound)

National Freeway No. 1 (235.7 km)→ take Huwei interchange exit→ County Road No. 145 B (bound for Douliu)→ Village Road Yun No.74→ arrive Damei Elementary school and turn right to Xiping Rd.→ turn right at Sec. 3, Mingde North Rd.→ turn right to Gongming Rd. after Mingde Rd. Bridge→ turn left at Sec. 3, University Rd.→ NYUST

National Freeway No. 1 (230.5 km)→ take Xiluo interchange exit→ Provincial Road No. 1→ Cihtong Township→ County Road No. 1B→ Xiping Rd.→ Zhongshan Rd.→ turn right at Sec. 3, University Rd.→ NYUST

National Freeway No. 1 (240.6 km)→ take Dounan interchange exit and turn right→ Provincial Road No. 1→ turn left at Yunlin Rd.→ arrive Douliu and turn right at Sec. 3, University Rd.→ NYUST

National Freeway No. 3

(north bound)

Gukeng interchange system, National Freeway No. 3 (269.2 km)→ No. 78 expressway bound for Gukeng→ Douliu (Provincial Highway No. 3)→ NYUST (No. 123, Sec. 3, University Rd.)

(south bound)

Gukeng interchange system, National Freeway No. 3 (269.2 km)→ No. 78 expressway bound for Gukeng→ Douliu (Provincial Highway No. 3)→ NYUST (No. 123, Sec. 3, University Rd.)

National Freeway No. 3 (269.3 km)→ exit at Douliu interchange bound for Douliu→ turn right at Shiliu Rd.→ Provincial Highway No. 3→ turn left at Sec. 1, University Rd.→ NYUST

搭乘高鐵 By Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR)


Yunlin Station: take THSR shuttle bus No.201 to NYUST





路線二:7126斗六-崙峰-梅山 (經本校龍潭路側門)




路線一:7000 梅山-中山高-臺北

路線二:7006 梅山-北二高-臺北


路線三:7011 斗六-六輕路線



臺鐵火車站<-- -->華山(經中山路及本校南側門)


By Bus / Coach

Taisi Bus

Douliu Train Station (rear station)<--->NYUST

Route 1: No.7120 Douliu- University Rd.- Huwei (pass the main entrance at Sec.3, University Rd.)

Route 2: No. 7126 Douliu- Lunfeng- Meishan (pass the side entrance at Longtan Rd.)


Solar Bus

Taipei<--->Douliu (NYUST stop)

Route 1: No. 7000 Meishan- National Freeway No.1- Taipei

Route 2: No. 7006 Meishan- National Freeway No.3- Taipei

Douliu Train Station (front station) <---> main entrance of NYUST

Route 3: No. 7011 Douliu- No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex


Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Bus

No. 0031 Douliu Gukeng Shuttle Bus

Douliu Train Station <---> Huashan Coffee Street (pass Zhongshan Rd. and south entrance of NYUST)
