Since 2017 (I guess) the main "Road of idiots" in Promods is Kirkenes, and it's fed up a bit to always drive the same road. I'm suggesting to make the new idiots road in a similar place as the Kirkenes. (I added the pictures below as an idea where to add the new idiots road) (I'm not against the current Kirkenes idiots road, and I like it, but sometimes we need something new)

!ON A NOTE! - I don't really understand in how does the road of idiots created, but I just suggested on this topic, and I want to hear your guys opinion on this topic, and you can suggest on your own road that you wish will become a road of idiots.

Idiots On The Road Game Download

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@XxQufDezxXI enter Kirkenes after 03:00 and it is empty but most of the players prefer to drive in the crowd. The only solution for the crowd is to make a one-way road in addition to Kirkenes, but players who don't like crowds and don't like waiting go elsewhere.

I believe that everyone drives where they want and adding a new road from your proposal will not change anything.

Players are used to this stretch of road and love to drive it so I don't think a new road will change anything.

It's just like Duisburg-Calais on Simulation 1 everyone drives it and no other road will change that.

There really should be advertised and highlighted roads for players to go to, whether that be weekly or whatever.....maybe Kirkenes will still be the most popular, but at least players would know to go to this "highlighted road."

I have dabbled with TP but haven't had a big return in it's use( probably should look into it more). On my terrain, I used L3DT and it's bulldozer tool to edit my heightfield. It has a handy dandy bulldozer tool that you can use to pave the way on your terrain for roadways.

5. Press 'h' to bring up your brush set. your Sat is gone! oh no!, whilst your brush set is open you go back to options/ terrain/select texture and choose your sat map again. 

pick a brush and edit away whilst looking at your sat. 

You can easily define your roads using this process. But rest assured, your resolution may not be that good, unless your have a really high res sat image.

Doing a quick search i couldnt find a topic about this here. There are tons of videos on YouTube of "ets2 diots on the road". After having watched several videos from different authors there, in many cases they are clearly intentionally causing accidents with their driving behavior. And by doing such they create content for possible monetary gains.

I believe that the "idiots on the road" videos and the like give a false impression about what TruckersMP is really about and consequently attract mostly trolls and reckless behaving players.

I agree that the authors of "idiots on the roads" mostly drive reckless themselves, probably to cause incidents and content for their videos.

I wish there videos of reasonable players that promote realistic truck driving. Unfortunately my computer performance does not allow me to record complete game sessions, otherwise I would have created already a corresponding Youtube channel. But maybe and hopefully somebody else can and will.

Part of the reason I started playing TruckersMP is because I watched some of these compilations, and then wanted to see if these kinds of things actually happen on a regular basis on the c-d road. When I started playing - I confirmed to myself that multiplayer is very fun!

About the videos of "idiots on the road" or the "funny moments" in whether they show players who drive recklessly; but they also show other aspects of daily driving, such as when someone suffers LAG, when someone loses control by avoiding an accident, a BUG or simply by having a heavy burden go aside; here many say that they do not watch the videos, but in turn also at some point they must have laughed at such a situation.

Watching "Idiots on the road" is what got me playing ETS2 and TruckersMP in the first place, i found it entertaining and wanted the experience myself, i think people should realise that although alot of trolls come from these videos, so do invested players too, if i didnt see those videos i would never of played or heard of ETS2, after watching the videos and playing it myself i found a love and passion for the game and community, i think thats one factor to take into consideration that although trolls comes from these videos it also brings new players into the community that want to have fun, drive safe and just get involved in the community such as myself. I didnt expect to love the game and continue to play it for over 3 years now but thanks to that first video i ever watched i have, and i must say im glad they are making these videos because of the the small majority of players it brings into the community with good intentions.

I find these video fun to watch to see what everybody encounters, but I don't agree with the titles of them as yes they might cause accidents but I feel saying "idiots" can be insulting in ways. I have to disagree with the content creators causing accidents, most videos I have watched the user making the video is driving fine yes fast at times but everybody drives 110,

I saw the film a day or two ago. They said the car was stalled. The truck though is not a semi but a bucket/crane truck. Looks like the two were driving together. Never even made an attempt to avoid the stalled truck. Parts everywhere and pushed it to the side of the road where it burst into flames. No excuse for the inattention. Whether it was drivable to the side of the road would be questionable and irrelevant.

and over the last week the car park at her work has been target'd by pikey kids mainly throwing bricks at the staff cars and braking into them so she said she wont risk takeing it to work so put me on the insurance so i could drop her off. know i have not drove a car since my car got took of the road nearly 4 years back.

I think because there is no real means of penalising people for a general terrible standard of driving. The whole focus on policing roads in the last twenty years or so has been on making sure people can be easily photographed and fined for marginally breaking the speed limit whether its safe to do so or not than dealing with someones terrible driving standards. I have a 45 mile each way commute to work every day and see some shocking driving. Mainly people being completely oblivious to what is going on around them and lack of observation / mirror checking.

Before the lockdowns, people drove like idiots, but it was the normal idiotic driving. You drove in it every day and knew what to expect. I worked through the lockdowns, and the lack of traffic was beautiful. Now that the majority of people are going back to work, and kids are back in school, it's as if people are driving for the first time. It's miserable.

around the schools is worse parents are just plain idol they live 2 mins away and drive their kids to school block everywhere up park on the pavement park on junctions on bends and quite often nearly hits kids and parents that do walk there kids whilst trying to squeeze into a spot a micro car would have trouble parking plus in the road i live in their is a school plus also to add a twist to the plot it has a bus route also now the road is only wide enough for 2 cars to drive so when they get going its decends into chaos. i am glad i dont have to do the school run anymore.

I used to ride a motorbike before I drive (even though I got my licences the other way round) and out in Asia, we do not usually have full leather protection, not even a pair of gloves. That was how I learnt to be defensive on the road and my hazard perception is through the roof, as in a crash, my skin got scratched before any metal. Come to think of it, in all the crashes I had, no paint were damaged (though I have plenty of road rashes to show for them). So when I moved onto 4 wheels, I drive the same way I ride, defensively (though lane splitting is kind of impossible in a Mondeo).

I have a 7 year old now, and a couple years ago when he started going to school (kindergarten in the US), I was blown away by how many parents dropped their kids off at school and picked them up. This school went up to grade 5 (kindergarten is'0', so 6 grades/years), so I kinda expect most kids in the 1-3 grade range to start taking the bus, but apparently not! The school is used to this though; they have a lot of road frontage where they put a lane for parents to park while in line while they wait to pick up their kids...

someone working for the petrol stations should walk past the cars and check gauge's if they have more than a 1/4 tank of fuel then send them on there way these idiots are just dahm well idiots and you can blame the stupid press for putting it out there to start with and then say not to panic buy ....... i mean its like sitting down to a big red button and being told DONT press it its this supidity that sends the country into caos as it has the knock on effect e24fc04721

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