The word "idiot" comes from the Greek noun  idits 'a private person, individual' (as opposed to the state), 'a private citizen' (as opposed to someone with a political office), 'a common man', 'a person lacking professional skill, layman', later 'unskilled', 'ignorant', derived from the adjective  idios 'personal' (not public, not shared).[3][4] In Latin, idiota was borrowed in the meaning 'uneducated', 'ignorant', 'common',[5] and in Late Latin came to mean 'crude, illiterate, ignorant'.[6] In French, it kept the meaning of 'illiterate', 'ignorant', and added the meaning 'stupid' in the 13th century.[7] In English, it added the meaning 'mentally deficient' in the 14th century.[2]

Many political commentators, starting as early as 1856, have interpreted the word "idiot" as reflecting the Ancient Athenians' attitudes to civic participation and private life, combining the ancient meaning of 'private citizen' with the modern meaning 'fool' to conclude that the Greeks used the word to say that it is selfish and foolish not to participate in public life.[8] But this is not how the Greeks used the word.

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In 19th- and early 20th-century medicine and psychology, an "idiot" was a person with a very profound intellectual disability, being diagnosed with "idiocy". In the early 1900s, Dr. Henry H. Goddard proposed a classification system for intellectual disability based on the Binet-Simon concept of mental age. Individuals with the lowest mental age level (less than three years) were identified as idiots; imbeciles had a mental age of three to seven years, and morons had a mental age of seven to ten years.[12] The term "idiot" was used to refer to people having an IQ below 30[citation needed][13][14] IQ, or intelligence quotient, was originally determined by dividing a person's mental age, as determined by standardized tests, by their actual age. The concept of mental age has fallen into disfavor, though, and IQ is now determined on the basis of statistical distributions.[15]

Until 2007, the California Penal Code Section 26 stated that "Idiots" were one of six types of people who are not capable of committing crimes. In 2007 the code was amended to read "persons who are mentally incapacitated."[17] In 2008, Iowa voters passed a measure replacing "idiot, or insane person" in the State's constitution with "person adjudged mentally incompetent."[18]

The constitution of the state of Arkansas was amended in the general election of 2008 to, among other things, repeal a provision (Article 3, Section 5) which had until its repeal prohibited "idiots or insane persons" from voting.[22]

A few authors have used "idiot" characters in novels, plays and poetry. Often these characters are used to highlight or indicate something else (allegory). Examples of such usage are William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury, Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca and William Wordsworth's The Idiot Boy. Idiot characters in literature are often confused with or subsumed within mad or lunatic characters. The most common intersection between these two categories of mental impairment occurs in the polemic surrounding Edmund from William Shakespeare's King Lear.

In Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel The Idiot the title refers to the central character Prince Myshkin, a man whose innocence, kindness and humility, combined with his occasional epileptic symptoms, cause many in the corrupt, egoistic culture around him to mistakenly assume that he lacks intelligence. In The Antichrist, Nietzsche applies the word 'idiot' to Jesus in a comparable fashion, almost certainly in an allusion to Dostoevsky's use of the word:[23] "One has to regret that no Dostoevsky lived in the neighbourhood of this most interesting dcadent; I mean someone who could feel the thrilling fascination of such a combination of the sublime, the sick and the childish."[24][25]

The terms idiot, imbecile, moron, and their derivatives were formerly used as technical descriptors in medical, educational, and regulatory contexts. These uses were broadly rejected by the close of the 20th century and are now considered offensive.

The terms idiot, imbecile, moron, and their derivatives were formerly used as technical descriptors in medical, educational, and regulatory contexts. These uses were broady rejected by the close of the 20th century and are now considered offensive.

COMMENTARY You hear it all the time: "He's completely clueless." "What in the world were they thinking?" "That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard." And when you hear it coming out of your own mouth, that means you're having an "idiot boss" moment and are probably heading for the margaritas, the LinkedIn (LNKD) jobs page, or both.

I have those idiot boss moments all the time. No, I don't really have a boss these days, but now it's even worse because I'm always hearing and writing about executives and boards of companies that make the same dumb mistakes over and over. And some of them are pretty hard to believe.

Head for the bar. Or better still, the gym. When you're stressed out, burned out, or just plain mad at the world for sticking you with a bunch of idiots for managers, it always helps to remind yourself that life is more than your job. So, whatever works for you to push the reset button and get some perspective, do that -- you'll feel better. And keep doing it over and over until you can't take it anymore. Then you're down to the last option.

First, DON'T capitulate. He is not only an idiot but DANGEROUSLY wrong. In fact, releasing this information would violate the PCI standard (which is what I'm assuming the audit is for since it's a payment processor) along with every other standard out there and just plain common sense. It would also expose your company to all sorts of liabilities.

You can't give him what you want, and attempts to "fake" it are likely to come back to bite you in the arse (possibly in legal ways). You either need to appeal up the chain of command (it's possible this auditor's gone rogue, although security audits are notoriously idiotic -- ask me about the auditor that wanted to be able to access an AS/400 via SMB), or get the hell out from underneath these onorous requirements.

First, this sounds very suspicious, as you (and others) have noted. Either the auditor is just following a procedure he doesn't understand (possible), or testing you for vulnerability so social engineering (unlikely after followup exchanges), or a fraud social engineering you (also possible), or just a generic idiot (probably most likely). As far as advice, I'd offer that you should speak to your management, and/or find a new auditing company, and/or report this one to the appropriate oversight agency.

With Rust I just feel like I'm an idiot. Started to learn it because I bet on Tauri, I have just a todo app to test It out with some simple command in Rust but men. Everything was going smoothly until I started doing quiz2 of rustlings. When I have free time I'll keep trying, but it was quite a big hit on my ego.

1. You forgot to tell guys to get hits with runners in scoring position. Here's what I can't figure out: from the All-Star break right up until the Twins clinched the division, you were all over guys. They were getting clutch hits with runners on base, and I can only assume that this means that you were giving them some sort of sign from the dugout. Why did you stop doing that? Only an idiot wouldn't realize that scoring runs is the point of the game! Keep giving them the sign! How could you be so stupid?

"They decided to stand there and fight the fire and all the firefighters thought, 'Those were idiots who were living in that place'. And that became Idiotville and that name just stuck long after the fire," Decker said.

Then, of course, there was Gania who was by no means so amiable as his elders,but stood apart, gloomy, and miserable, and silent. He had determined not tobring Varia with him; but Nastasia had not even asked after her, though nosooner had he arrived than she had reminded him of the episode between himselfand the prince. The general, who had heard nothing of it before, began tolisten with some interest, while Gania, drily, but with perfect candour, wentthrough the whole history, including the fact of his apology to the prince. Hefinished by declaring that the prince was a most extraordinary man, andgoodness knows why he had been considered an idiot hitherto, for he was veryfar from being one.

The United States, in contrast, has far smaller juries and voter turnouts are poor at best. Its wealthy citizens are not only free from financial obligations to the state; they enjoy tax loopholes by which many of them pay less in taxes, proportionately, than the poor. Some Americans even believe that those who find ways to circumvent their taxes to the state should be celebrated for their cleverness, not condemned. In America, the idiot enjoys success and often even acclamation.

Perhaps it is no surprise, then, that many American citizens do not feel dedicated to their community, or indeed any greater entity than themselves. Just like the wealthy and powerful of America who shirk their tax duties, the mask-less American idiot sees and feels no obligation to consider the welfare and safety of the community. e24fc04721

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