About Us

Since 2013, the Idaho State Department of Education has offered an opportunity for teachers to gain further experience and expertise in the development of Idaho Content State Standards lessons, units, and assessments in a supported and sustainable manner through the establishment of Idaho Coaching Network Coaches. The Coach assigned to your district lives and has worked as a classroom teacher in your region. Each region’s Coach is committed to providing expertise, professional development, and ongoing support in order to assist districts, schools, and teachers as they plan for and implement Key Shifts. This group of over 400 teacher leaders from more than 80 districts across the state, worked with their Coaches to write and teach a unit plan aligned to the Idaho Content Standards, engaged in deep exploration of important topics related to the Idaho Content Standards and offered professional development in their schools or districts. Teacher Leaders developed abilities to deliver quality, sustainable Professional Development through the extensive study of Idaho Content topics within the authentic context of quality unit design.

Through this work, Teacher Leaders have developed a variety of classroom and Professional Development Resources. This website is designed to share those resources so they are available to teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, and curriculum directors across the state. The materials found here are working models created by Idaho teachers participating in the Idaho Coaching Network. These working models will be augmented and updated in an iterative process as they are employed in the classroom.

All material is presented for teachers to use and based on templates created by the Idaho Coaching Network. When using any teacher's work, please provide attribution for the teacher and/or source.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.