ICPR 2024 Competition on

Multilingual Claim-Span Identification

with 27th International Conference of Pattern Recognition


Task Description

A lot of claims are made in social media posts, which often contain misinformation or fake news. Hence, it is crucial to identify claims as a first step towards claim verification. Given the huge number of social media posts, the task of identifying claims needs to be automated.  

This competition deals with the task of 'Claim Span Identification' in which, given a text, parts/spans that correspond to claims are to be identified. This task is more challenging than the traditional binary classification of text into claims or not-claims, and will require state-of-the-art methods in Pattern Recognition, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. See Evaluation tab for details.  

For this task, we will use a newly developed dataset containing about 8K posts in English and about 8K posts in Hindi with claim-spans marked by human annotators. See the Data tab for details.

** Prizes (gift cards) worth INR 40,000 to be won. Best performing teams will also be awarded certificates, and their names will be declared on this website. ** 

 How to Participate 

Please register for the competition by mailing us the following information, at: csi.icpr2024@gmail.com

A team can contain upto 3 members. All team members should be cc-ed in the email that you send us. The composition  of a team cannot  be changed after registration.

Once a team registers for the competition, the training and validation datasets will be provided via email. See Important Dates for details on timeline. 
