SIG of Information Centric Networking

"Cooperative Caching in Vehicular Content Centric Network Based on Social Attributes and Mobility" [slides]

  • Yao, Lin, et al. "Cooperative caching in vehicular content centric network based on social attributes and mobility." IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 20.2 (2019): 391-402.

  • Junhyeok Hwang, 2022-08-29

  • Takeaway
    - How to apply social attributes and mobility in Vehicular CCN caching st

"Efficient Cache Consistency Management for Transient IoT Data in Content-Centric Networking" [slides]

  • Feng, Bohao, et al. "Efficient Cache Consistency Management for Transient IoT Data in Content-Centric Networking." IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2022).

  • Minhyeong Kim, 2022-08-29

  • Takeaway
    - It is argued that strong
    cache consistency should be provided for popular content.
    - For strong cache consistency, additional messages are exchanged between access router and data producer.
    - TTL is used for weak cache consistency

"A dynamic caching strategy for CCN-based MANETs" [slides]

  • Naz, Sheneela, et al. "A dynamic caching strategy for CCN-based MANETs." Computer Networks 142 (2018): 93-107.

  • Junhyeok Hwang, 2022-08-18

  • Takeaway
    - The metric/utility needs to be varied depending on the status of nodes (e.g., mobility, density, energy level)
    - When a node leaves a specific area, what should it do with the cached content?

"Context-based caching in mobile Information-centric networks" [slides]

  • Leira, Luís, Miguel Luís, and Susana Sargento. "Context-based caching in mobile information-centric networks." Computer Communications 193 (2022): 214-223.

  • Minhyeong Kim, 2022-08-18

  • Takeaway
    - It's better not to cache than to cache something that does not have enough advantages.