@midnitesun Yes, it worked for me same as AustralianElectrical.

I was running the sim command on my iclass card without reading things properly. When I ran the sim command on the READER on site, it went exactly as mentioned by AustralianElectrical.

Step2: hf iclass calcnewkey --oki X --nki 7 --elite

Whereas X is the value for the new standard iClass legacy card master authentication key from memory index X of managekeys

And on memory index 7 I have saved my Elite key of existing card I am trying to clone.

Note down the XOR keys(only for application mode)

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Step3: hf iclass wrbl -b 3 -d --ki X

Please note, Crosscheck everything before running this command. if XOR key is not correct or any incorrect key is inputted then this command might brick your card/fob. So, be very careful.

Again, X is the value for the new standard iClass legacy card master authentication key from memory index X of managekeys.

So I'm in a bit of a dilemma, for years I have been selling the upgrade process to HID iClass SE concept to customers. Selling multiclass readers and then migrated them over to iClass SE credentials.

Recently I have had a slew of readers fail in the field ( not all at once but over 6 month period ), about 35 of them, all show up dead or purple light ( internal failure per tech support ). I've had to change these out at our labor cost and HID RMA hassle. HID after 4 months finally verbally admitted to having a internal design flaw and have updated the revision design on these readers. This was after months of deny deny deny tactics from the manufacture.

I've had other issues with Indala + iClass SE readers also. They couldn't get that design right either, saying it was going support prox also but in the end, it only supports either prox or indala. Created a problem for two customers but we got through it.

Unfortunately, the 3rd party readers I can think of without digging that support iClass are some kind of combo unit or multi-factor reader like a biometric. Just an iClass 13.56 MHz reader alone are far less common than the 125 kHz variety like you and John note.

Our recent experience with HID is certainly in-line with yours. We had a run SE/HF cards arrive that hadn't been properly encoded. So we ordered another. Same issue. Fast forward 2+ weeks later and we still don't have working cards, due to "manufacturing issues", "supply shortages", and whatever else. Never was an HID fan before, and am even less-so now.

They had a mistake in their ordering form last year where they letter T had the description of the letter S in the ordering guide for the cards... realised that today and asked HID to replace the 601 cards we had received a year ago....

I have been told by Schlage that you can get iClass SE readers in the AD series products by special order - Schlage has the relationship to license the iClass technology from HID on an as-needed basis. The discussion was specific to AD products, so I don't know if it is available for aptiQ readers.

So the question becomes "how do I encode EV1 cards w/ SIO data?". Otherwise, you either are stuck with CSN-only during the transition process, or you have to change out cards and readers simultaneously. I'd also match card #s, of course, to avoid having to reconfigure software.

SIO is just their encoded card number with their mifare encryption key. Same with Aptiq. Either can read the card serial number but not the encoded data because the encryption is proprietary to Aptiq and HID. CSN is about as secure as standard prox. However it one would need to know the system was looking for CSN and not the encoded data.

Right, my point was that you can get HID's SIO on a card compatible with aptiQ readers, but I didn't realize that aptiQ's stuff supports ISO 15693. So, really, the physical communication layer is there, and it just comes down to whether or not either manufacturer would be willing to configure/encode third party readers/cards.

Regarding general experience with aptiQ, we long-ago standardized on their readers and EV1 cards, and we've had nothing but good experiences. From tech support to local sales people, I cannot emphasize enough how much I recommend Allegion over Assa.

We've had some bad experiences with iClass readers in the past. Specifically reader lockups, which were later resolved via firmware updates on each reader, but at our significant labor costs. Also, the datasheets seem to be historically low when estimating current draw on the iClass readers.

we are trying to use st25r3911b to read UID of iclass HID dy card we have, we can see st25r3911b wake up once card is in range, but the rfalNfcPollTechDetetection is not able to detect any technology (we activated detection of all technologies). How can we fix this?

HID iClass(picopass) tags are not conforming to ISO15693 or NFC Forum NFC-V command sets. As such they are not supported by rfalNfcPollTechDetetection(). However you can send all frames needed by those tags. Just use rfalNfcvPollerTransceiveReq() after normal rfalFieldOnAndStartGT() and rfalNfcvPollerInitialize() to send the necessary frames according to iClass data sheet. 152ee80cbc

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