2024 ICITL

Track on the Application and Design of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education

Track Chair: 

Frode Eika Sandnes 

Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway.

Track Co-Chair: 

Yueh-Min Huang 

National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.  

Conference Dates: Aug. 14-16, 2024 | Location: University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia

The dawn of the fourth industrial revolution brings with it a paradigm shift in the way we perceive and interact with technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI). Among the various facets of AI, Generative AI (GAI) stands out as a groundbreaking and transformative force. As we stand on the brink of this new era, the 2024 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning (ICITL 2024) is set to be a seminal event, particularly in exploring the implications of GAI in the education sector. This special issue aims to delve into the depths of GAI’s impact, highlighting its critical role and the necessity to explore its potential in educational contexts comprehensively.

Generative AI, a subset of artificial intelligence, focuses on creating new content and solutions, ranging from textual and visual data to complex problem-solving strategies. It encompasses technologies like natural language processing, image generation, and predictive modeling, capable of learning from existing data and generating novel, contextually relevant outputs. This capability positions GAI not just as a tool but as a potential collaborator in the learning process, offering personalized and dynamic learning experiences. The significance of GAI in education cannot be overstated. It heralds a shift from traditional, one-size-fits-all teaching methods to more adaptive, personalized learning experiences. GAI can analyze vast amounts of educational content and student data, offering insights that can reshape curriculum development, pedagogical strategies, and student engagement. This transformative potential extends to creating customized learning materials, interactive learning environments, and even assisting in complex educational decision-making processes. Moreover, GAI's role in education is not limited to the classroom. It extends to administrative and operational efficiencies, predictive analytics for student performance, and enhancing research capabilities in educational technology. The implications of such a technology in democratizing education, bridging learning gaps, and preparing future generations for a world increasingly intertwined with AI are profound.

This special issue aims to capture the essence of this pivotal moment in educational technology. We invite contributions that not only explore the current applications and benefits of GAI in education but also critically examine the challenges, ethical considerations, and long-term implications of its integration. 

Topics of interests : 

Papers that delve into the underlying algorithms, theoretical models, and frameworks that drive generative AI technologies.

Contributions exploring the ethical considerations, legal frameworks, and societal impacts of implementing GAI in educational contexts.

Studies and prototypes showcasing novel applications of GAI in learning, including personalized content generation, automated assessment tools, and interactive learning environments.

Research on the use of LLMs for language learning, literacy improvement, and the potential for these tools to revolutionize language acquisition and proficiency.

Papers on the application of text-to-image GAI for enhancing visual learning, creativity, and understanding complex concepts.

Innovations in speech-to-text and text-to-speech technologies, focusing on accessibility and the inclusion of diverse learning populations.

Explorations of GAI's role in fostering creativity and its applications in the arts, music, and literature as educational tools.

Discussions on the challenges and solutions related to data privacy and security when integrating GAI into learning systems.

Papers addressing the use of GAI in automating assessments, providing real-time feedback, and the implications for learning outcomes.

Visions and critical analyses of the role of GAI as a partner in the classroom, augmenting the teacher's role, and facilitating collaborative learning.

Technical Program Committee :

 Indiana University South Bend, United States of America

Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

Program Committee Members :

The British University of Egypt, Egypt

University of Coimbra, Portugal

 Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics, Italy

Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

Important Dates :

Paper submission deadline: Mar. 18, 2024  

Notification of Review Decision: Apr. 15, 2024  

Registration begins: Apr. 1, 2024

Camera-ready papers and registration: May 13, 2024

Conference dates: Aug. 14-16, 2024