ICIAP 2023 Tutorial

Remote Physiological Sensing: State of the Art and Applications

Friday, September 15th, 2023 - 14:00 - 17:30
at Toppo Wassermann Hall, Udine, Italy

held in conjuction with ICIAP 2023


The tutorial aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art techniques and applications of remote physiological sensing. Particular emphasis will be put on the image and signal processing techniques adopted to estimate Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) signals and related pulse rates (remote photoplethysmography, rPPG) as well as respiratory signals, relying solely on RGB cameras.

The tutorial will focus on the technical aspects of remote physiological sensing, including the underlying principles, signal processing techniques, and data analysis methods to perform a principled assessment of the approaches proposed in the literature and their various applications.

A particular focus will be given to the datasets and metrics available to evaluate methods, as well as software tools developed by the community.


Alessandro D'Amelio

University of Milan, Italy

Vittorio Cuculo

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy



14:00 - 15:30 First Part

I. Introduction to Remote Physiological Sensing

Camera Measurement of Physiological Signals

Overview, applications and current trends

II. Remote Photoplethysmography (rPPG)

Algorithmic Principles - Skin reflection model

Classical/knowledge-based approaches

Deep Learning Based approaches

Known limits and state of the art

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break


16:00 - 17:30 Second Part

III. Remote Respiration monitoring


rPPG-based: Respiratory induced variations (RIVs)

Deep Learning Based Methods

IV. Practical Applications


Università degli Studi di Udine – Toppo Wassermann Hall

The venue is located in Via Gemona, 92, 33100 Udine UD. 




Special Issue