Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs is a 2009 American animated adventure comedy film produced by Blue Sky Studios and distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is the sequel to Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) and the third installment in the Ice Age film series. It was directed by Carlos Saldanha and co-directed by Mike Thurmeier (in his feature directorial debut), from a screenplay written by Michael Berg, Peter Ackerman, Mike Reiss, and Yoni Brenner, based on a story conceived by Jason Carter Eaton. Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary, and Chris Wedge reprise their roles from the first two films and Seann William Scott, Josh Peck, and Queen Latifah reprise their roles from The Meltdown, with Simon Pegg joining them in the role of a weasel named Buck. The story has Manny and Ellie preparing for their baby. Sid the Sloth is kidnapped by a female Tyrannosaurus after stealing her eggs, leading the rest of the herd to rescue him in a tropical lost world inhabited by dinosaurs underneath the ice.

Although Sid tries his best to raise the dinosaurs, their rambunctious behavior scares away all the younger animals, and they destroy the playground Manny built for his child, angering Manny. The mother Tyrannosaurus whose eggs Sid took arrives, looking for the eggs. When Sid refuses to return the babies, she carries both Sid and her children underground. Manny, Ellie, Diego, Crash, and Eddie follow them, and discover that the icy cave leads to a vast subterranean jungle populated by dinosaurs thought to be extinct. They are surrounded by dinosaurs, but saved by a deranged one-eyed least weasel named Buck.

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Meanwhile, just as Sid goes over the falls, Buck, Crash, and Eddie swoop in on a commandeered Harpactognathus, narrowly saving Sid after escaping a pack of Quetzalcoatlus. Manny reaches Ellie just in time to see his newborn daughter, and the couple agree to name the baby "Peaches". Sid is happy to reunite with his friends, but is sad that he never had a chance to say goodbye to the dinosaurs.

Before they can leave the jungle, they are ambushed by Rudy. The herd is saved by the mother Tyrannosaurus, who charges at Rudy and knocks him off a cliff. Sid then says goodbye to the dinosaurs. Buck, now without a purpose in life since Rudy is gone, decides to join the herd and live on the surface. However, a distant roar tells him that Rudy is still alive. Because of this, he changes his mind and sends the herd home, blocking off the path to the underground jungle at the same time. Manny and Ellie welcome Peaches into their frozen world, and Diego decides to remain with the herd, while Buck stays underground, having managed to tame Rudy. Scrat and Scratte decide to live in the jungle together, but Scrat ultimately chooses the acorn over her, causing a fight. Scrat is accidentally launched back to the surface, while Scratte falls back in the dinosaur world, making it her new home. Scrat once again loses the acorn after a large piece of ice knocks it out of his hands, much to his frustration.

Blue Sky decided to do "more of a what-if adventure" in the third Ice Age installment, "like finding the giant ape in King Kong or a Shangri-la in the middle of snow," and added the dinosaurs to the story. Character designer Peter de Sve welcomed the new plot addition, since he could not think of any other giant mammal to put into the story. The "lost world" approach led to colorful dinosaurs, because "the dinosaurs didn't have to be just brown, and you can take liberties because no one knows what color they were", according to de Sve. Rudy's design was inspired by the Baryonyx because of his crocodile-like look, which de Sve considered even more menacing than the T. rex.[6]

A tie-in video game was published by Activision. The game allows players to play as one of the film's characters, discovering the underground world of dinosaurs and solving puzzles through more than 15 levels.[38]

The game allows the player to take control of Manny, Sid, Scrat, Buck, Diego and Scratte as they take on or run away from dangerous dinosaurs, roll eggs to safety, chase for their beloved acorn and explore caves and jungles.[2][3][4]

Although Justin tries his best to raise the three fox kits, their rambunctious behavior scares away all the other animals' young and ruins a playground Dennis built for Aleu's baby, as well as the ice mobile Dennis made. A female fox animatronic, Mangle, whose babies Justin stole, soon returns and carries both Justin and her young underground, with Bubsy in pursuit. Dennis, Aleu, Iggy & Lemmy Koopa(along with R1/Kid Rayman, Max Goof, PJ Pete, Pistol Pete, Little Beeper, Odie, Shifty Dingo, Zippy & Gwen Doggenbottom, Gromit, and Doge) follow as well and discover that the icy cavern leads to a vast jungle populated by dinosaurs thought to be extinct. Here, Roger the Styracosaurus threatens the herd despite Bubsy's efforts to fend him off; they are saved from a further crowd of angry dinosaurs by an insane, one-eyed bull terrier named Rude Dog(Voiced by Rob Paulsen).

36. Sid wakes up, unsuspecting of being followed by three baby Tyrannosaurs that have hatched from the eggs. Sid scratches himself as the baby dinos do likewise. Okay, I know the makers of this movie did no research of dinosaurs worth sh*t, so I'll keep those facts to a minimum, but a real-life T-Rex would never be able to scratch itself with its arms.

37. Also, dinosaurs somehow are alive and active in the middle of the ice age. I know there are scientific rumors of certain dinosaurs being supposedly warm-blooded, but last I checked, T-Rex was not one of them.

45. Baby dinosaurs eagerly look into the Manny-built play pen. Sid: "Sorry, but you guys can't go in. Manny says it's just for kids." Dinos make sad faces. Sid: "Wait a minute! You are kids! Just don't break anything!" Sid opens the log-gate and lets the dinos in. Nearby Young Anteater: "The sloth says the playground's open!" Kids run towards it screaming excitedly. Sid: "No wait! Not for everyone!" Too bad, Sid. This whole thing's on you!

55. Dinosaur appears and uncovers Sid who is desperately trying to guard the baby dinosaurs. Manny: "Sid! Give them to her! She's their mother!" Sid: "How do I know, she's their mother?!"  tag_hash_138______ "What do you want?! A birth certificate?! She's a DINOSAUR!!!" Sid: "But I put in the blood, sweat and tears to raise them!" Manny: "For a day! GIVE'EM BACK YOU LUNATIC!" How do you know it's even a 'she'?

65. Come to think of it, even if this underworld of dinosaurs gets substantial heat from inside the earth, how is it bright as day down here? How can the sun shine through without melting the layer of ice above? Ice doesn't have air pockets, so it can't work as an insulator the way snow does-and it certainly doesn't work like a greenhouse.

66. Their moment of awe is suddenly interrupted as a massive club tail slams beside them. They turn and face a sharp-toothed Ankylosaurus that roars at them. Okay, I know the writers have done pretty much no research whatsoever and just resorted to whatever imagery was popular enough for kids to associate with dinosaurs, which is why I'm not going to pick apart the paleontology aspects of this too much. But even anyone who's not a paleontologist knows that all meat-eating dinosaurs were bi-pedal (two-legged)-and NO! Dimetradons were not a dinosaur; they didn't even live in the same era.

68. Ellie spots a nearby Brachiosaurus and grabs some ferns. Ellie: "Here boy!" The Brachiosaurus turns it head over to her and eats the ferns. Ellie: "Get on!" Manny: "What?! We are not getting on that thing!" Ellie: "It's either this dinosaur, or that one!" I'm not so convinced that the Brachiosaurus would be that lenient in letting smaller creatures climb onto it. Either way, these guys shouldn't even know what dinosaurs are, let alone which ones are docile plant eaters.

70. The five of them gaze around in intimidation at the surrounding dinosaurs. Manny: "I feel so puny!" Manny and Ellie's size relativity to the surrounding dinosaurs is the only bit of paleontological accuracy in this movie.

71. A weasel swings into the scene and fires stink berries at the dinosaurs, and yells to the main five "TAKE COVER!" before setting off a stink-grenade. I'm no expert in parlor tricks, but I think that trick would require a hidden door/hole underneath for that to work. Oh, who am I kidding? Why am I trying to bring logic into this movie-or more importantly, this franchise?

87. Cut to Sid and the baby dinos being carried through the ecosystem by the T-Rex. T-Rex puts the babies down and proceeds to try to eat Sid. Sid:(grabs hold of a vine) "NOOO! I'M TOO YOUNG TO BE EATEN!" The vine snaps and flings him into T-Rex's nostril. Sid gets shot out the T-Rex's nostril and tries to escape, but ultimately gets tangled in vines as the T-Rex closes in. tag_hash_171____(before the baby dinosaurs stand up for him) "If you eat me, it will send a bad message!" You know, in my sin chart of the last movie, I brought this up pertaining to Sid's hygiene, but considering that he was just shot out of her nose, I think it would send an ESPECIALLY bad message.

96. Cut to Sid trying to get baby dinosaurs to eat vegetables, when the mommy T-Rex places an early bird in front of them to eat. Sid: "No! I've raised them vegetarian! It's a healthier lifestyle!" Then explain your lack of personal hygiene!

118. Buck, Crash, and Eddie manage to pull up and lose the other pterosaurs in the lava, finally snatching up Sid before as he finally falls. The three of them smack right into the roof of ice above them. I still have SO many questions as to how this sub-tarraniean, pre-prehistoric world keeps dinosaurs alive away from the ice age conditions. 17dc91bb1f

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