ICDAR 2024 Competition on Artistic Text Recognition

Update (March 31, 2024)

News (Important) 


Artistic text is widely used in advertisements, slogans, exhibitions, decorations, magazines, and books. However, artistic text recognition is an overlooked and extremely challenging task with importance and practicability in various applications. Artistic text recognition often has several challenges such as the various appearances with special-designed fonts and effects, the complex connections and overlaps between characters, and the severe interference from background patterns. Therefore, we organize this competition to invite participants to solve these challenges. We hope that the dataset and task could greatly promote the research in text recognition.

Quick start guide 


We use CodaLab for submissions. The site for the submission will be ready before March 10. To register, please send an email to xdxie@hust.edu.cn, otherwise the submission is invalid.

Please include the following information in your email:


  This dataset is based on our previously released artistic text recognition dataset WordArt (Toward understanding wordart: Corner-guided transformer for scene text recognition, ECCV 2022). Therefore, we name the previous dataset WordArt-V1 and the current dataset WordArt-V1.5. The WordArt-V1 dataset is comprised of 4,805 artistic text images for training and 1,511 images for testing. In WordArt-V1.5, we annotated more artistic text images from more types of scenes. We added 1,195 artistic text images for the training set and constructed a new testing set including 6,000 new test images. These images are from posters, greeting cards, covers, billboards, handwriting, etc. As a result, WordArt-V1.5 contains a total of 12,000 images with 6,000 for training and 6,000 for testing. The qualitative presentation of the dataset is shown in Fig. 1. 

  Specifically, the dataset is divided into a training set and two testing set (Test_A and Test_B). The training set consists of 6,000 images with annotations, which can be downloaded from this link. Test_A consists of 3,000 images and Test_B also consists of 3,000 images, whose annotations will not be released. In the competition stage, only the testing images are offered. The participants are required to submit their results on Test_A and Test_B with the specific format. Dividing into these two testing sets can prevent the model from overfitting on a single testing set. During the competition, Test_A will be available first and the top-ranked teams on the leaderboard will be selected for the evaluation of Test_B. The final ranking is based on the results of Test_B.

  Each image in the dataset is annotated with a string. Annotations for the images are stored in a txt file with the following format:

train_image/1157.png EASTER

train_image/1209.png Birthday


Fig.1 Some examples from our dataset. 


The aim of this task is to accurately recognize text content from artistic text images.

Input: Artistic text images shown in Fig. 1.

Output: The text strings corresponding to the images.

Evaluation Protocols: We only use the word recognition accuracy (WRA) as the artistic text recognition evaluation protocol. WRA is defined by WRA=Wr/W, where W is the total number of words, and Wr represents the number of correctly recognized words ignoring the case and symbols.

Submission Format: Participants will be asked to submit a single txt file (answer.txt) containing results for all test images. This txt file should be directly compressed into a zip file before uploading to CodaLab. The results format in txt is: 

test_image\new0.png sarcasvh

test_image\new1.png harrington


Competition Schedule 

Competition Rules 

The competition is open for participants from both industry and academia. Below we describe the tentative rules for our competition:




Xudong Xie, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, xdxie@hust.edu.cn

Ling'er Deng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, lingerdeng2023@163.com

Zhifei Zhang, Adobe Research, zzhang@adobe.com

Zhaowen Wang, Adobe Research, zhawang@adobe.com

Yuliang Liu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ylliu@hust.edu.cn