Competitions and Datasets @ICAIF

4th ACM International Conference on AI in Finance (ICAIF-23)

4 MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Room 527


FinRL Contest:

Develop financial reinforcement learning framework  to motivate technical advancements for both data and models in financial markets.

Organizers: Xiao-Yang Liu, Joey Xia

Webpage: Website 

Regime-switching financial time series generation

Develop methodologies aimed at constructing high-quality generative models capable of effectively capturing the regime-switching behavior when it is exhibited in financial data.

Organizers: Hao Ni, Lukasz Szpruch, Jiajie Tao

Webpage: Website 

Trading Hackathon Challenge

Build an equity trading algorithm that maximizes profit by buying and selling stocks, like managing an investment portfolio.

Organizer: Haibei Zhu

Webpage: Website 

Financial Transaction Matching

Build a model for matching financial transactions which performas better than rules-based matching.

Organizer: Tracey Lall

Webpage: Website