English A Language & Literature

Old Syllabus (Last Exam In 2020)

The LangLit Guide

IB Eng LangLit Guide.pdf

The LangLit Guide is a compilation of every piece of useful and relevant advice that the IBO Discord Langlit Helpers have ever given, plus some extra tips & further guidance.

On top of that, we’ve made it as simple and easy to understand as possible. This isn’t a textbook. This was written BY students, FOR students. We've covered every single LangLit assessment there is in the current syllabus, from the FOA and IOC, to Papers 1 & 2, plus a few general things to keep in mind for the course as a whole. If you’re struggling to understand any part of the course, have a read through the guide; you might find something useful. - mythic_fci#1411, jv#0180, michelle#1467, Theodore#3532



IOC Advice

The techniques discussed in this video could also be applied to the IO. The two assessments are relatively similar- for example, candidates are required to analyse texts under pressure in both assessments- and similar types of skills are required of candidates (e.g. analytical skills, ability to articulate one's thoughts clearly and concisely under pressure, ability to construct a well-organised + structured analytical commentary etc).


New Syllabus (2021 Onwards)

New Syllabus Subject Guide

English A Language & Literature Syllabus Guide [First Assessment 2021]

FAQs Regarding Syllabus Changes

English A Language & Literature: 2021 Syllabus FAQs

Individual Oral (IO)

InThinking Presentation: Introducing The Individual Oral

InThinking: Introducing The Individual Oral

List Of Global Issues (courtesy of Confuzzled#0398)

  • The impact of material culture (material objects define us and reflect our choices about life and the presentation of self) on social and personal values

  • Conflict and tension between human rights and status power

  • The interaction of fate and freewill in human behavior

  • Power and privilege

  • Politics and freedom of speech

  • Gender identity and gender politics

  • Ethical and scientific controversies

  • Our relationship with the natural world

  • Otherness identity, and a sense of community

  • The identity and role of a global citizen

  • Mutability and change in our world

  • Religion and spirituality

  • Agency and the power of the individual

  • Social connectedness and inclusion

  • Our identity and the natural world

The above themes can be grouped into 5 categories.

  • Culture, identity and community

  • Beliefs, values and education

  • Politics, power and justice

  • Art, creativity and the imagination

  • Science, technology and the natural world

IO: Questions To Consider (courtesy of Penis Music#9012)

  • Which global issue connects both extracts? Identify point of contact.

  • How does the global issue manifest in both extracts? Analyse with evidence.

  • What other points of contact & difference can you find? Identify & explain.

  • Why do the text, work and global issue matter? Explain.

  • How is the global issue portrayed in different forms/text types? Analyse.

  • How do the creators illustrate the impact of the global issue? Explain.

  • Why have the creators chosen their respective forms/text types to convey their ideas? How do they use these for effect? Justify, with evidence.

  • How do the creators generate meaning about the global issue using their literary forms/genres & non-literary text types? Analyse.

  • What are the creators’ purposes in highlighting the issue? Comment.

  • Who are the creators’ intended audiences (v.s. the actual audience)? Identify.

  • Do the creators achieve their respective purposes? Evaluate.

  • How do the creators achieve their intended effects? Describe.

  • How effectively do both creators portray the issue, overall? Evaluate.

  • What are the direct & subliminal messages of both extracts? Examine.

  • How have authorial choices been used to present the issue? Analyse.

  • How do the extracts juxtapose/combine to shed new light on the issue? Synthesise and analyse.

  • What is the relevance of both extracts for modern day/future readers? Hypothesise.

  • How do the extracts combine to challenge/extend views on the issue? Offer your personal opinion.

Global Issues: Infographic (courtesy of Penis Music#9012)

Level 7 HL Essay and IO resources (courtesy of deadduck#9346)