Department of infectious diseases

Republic of Belarus, 230030, Grodno, Boulevard of the Lenin Komsomol, 57


The Department of Infectious Diseases in Grodno Medical Institute began its activity in September 1962. In 1972 was organized a course of childhood infections. In 1990 there has been a division into two departments: the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Pediatric Faculty and the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Faculty of Medicine. From 1998 a single department of infectious diseases with a course of childhood infections. In 2014, the department was renamed into the Department of Infectious Diseases. From 1993 to 2004, the Republican Hepatology Center was established on the basis of the "GSICH"  under the guidance of proffesor V.Tsyrkunov.

Educational activities – Educational source

List of recommended literature.doc


At the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Grodno State Medical University, the subject is taught:

infectious diseases, childhood infectious diseases, prevention of nosocomial infections, epidemiology, tropical and parasitic diseases.

Research activities

Scientific directions of the department of infectious diseases is inextricably linked to the priority areas of science in the Republic of Belarus. Since the formation of the department to date basic scientific direction, "representing" the prospect of another, no less important and independent scientific direction is infectology and the other formed by the employees of department independent direction is Hepatology.

In the process of the evolution of scientific topics department staff emerging scientific ideas that have expanded the range of research in the area adjacent to the Infectology specialties - hepatology, clinical morphology, clinical immunology, clinical pharmacology, clinical bacteriology, epidemiology and other disciplines (biochemistry, psychiatry, obstetrics and gynecology, chemistry, endocrinology and others). In the formation of scientific fields, which became the basis for exploratory research staff of the department of infectious diseases can be divided into six major research areas, reflecting the results and prospects of research in infectology, hepatology, and related disciplines.

I scientific direction - the study of non-specific reactivity with viral hepatitis.

II scientific direction - monitoring the effectiveness of the basic treatment of acute viral hepatitis and use in the treatment of bacterial lipopolysaccharide pyrogenal as stimulator of the immune response.

III scientific direction - the development of original functional-loading tests to accelerate and improve the accuracy of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of viral hepatitis and related gepatopatologii.

IV scientific direction dedicated diagnosis and disclosure pathomechanism individual states of acute and chronic viral hepatitis and their outcomes (cholestasis, chronicity, results of immunotherapy, development performance criteria of treatment).

V scientific direction - in-depth study of the role of the background pathology score full spectrum gepatopatologii at the national level, the issue of healthcare organizations.

VI scientific direction - innovative, aimed at the development of new import-substituting technologies to improve the quality of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases.

Clinical activities

The main types of medical and diagnostic work

of the Department of Infectious Diseases

1. Consultation of patients in the clinic and other health care facilities, Grodno and the region.

2. Consilia in the departments of the clinic and other health facilities of the city and region.

3. Clinical detours head. department, associate professors.

4. Curation of patients by assistants in the departments of the ultrasound.

5. Registration of an extract of patients and translated epicrisis.

6. Perform complex diagnostic studies and therapeutic interventions.

7. Consultation of doctors of the laboratory of the hospital for laboratory optimization

research and interpretation of the results.

8. The introduction of new methods of laboratory research, new methods of treatment.

9. Expert evaluation of the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy conducted in the clinic.

10. Participation in the testing of new drugs.

11. Participation in the morning clinical conferences.

12. Participation in the work of scientific-practical conferences, congresses and performance with reports.

13. Participation in the work of the Grodno Regional Branch of the Scientific Society infectious disease specialists.

14. Review of medical records and other medical records.

15. Presence of autopsies for deceased patients.

16. Active participation in the work of clinical and anatomical conferences.

17. Participation in the work of certification commissions of doctors, interns, clinical residents.

18. Preparation of lectures, popular science articles in the media.

19. Preparation of draft orders and participation.

20. Reviews of draft regulatory documents.

21. Preparation and implementation of instructions for use.

22. Planned trips to Grodno and Brest regions.

23. Departures emergency / methodical in Grodno and districts of the region.

24. Participation in exhibitions of medical equipment.

Educational activities

During the existence of the department, teaching was organized in five faculties: medical, pediatric, medical-psychological, medical-diagnostic (in the field of nursing and medical-diagnostic) and the faculty of foreign students.

   The department teaches several disciplines (infectious diseases, children's infections, epidemiology and military epidemiology, prevention of nosocomial infections, parasitic and tropical diseases) in Russian, and for the faculty of foreign students in English.

     Lectures and practical classes are held on the 4th, 5th and 6th courses of the medical faculty and the foreign students' faculty, on the 4th, 5th and 6th courses of the pediatric faculty, on the 4th year of medical and psychological faculties, on the 3rd, 4th and 5th courses of the medical-diagnostic faculty.

      On practical exercises under the guidance of a teacher, thematic patients are analyzed. In the absence of patients in the hospital with some nosological units, analysis of previously prepared copies of case histories is carried out. Multimedia material (albums, presentations, training videos) is widely used to show patients with rare diseases, exanthemes, and other visual material.

     Laboratory classes on the 6th course begin with the morning conference (reception duty), where students answer questions about the organization of diagnostic and therapeutic measures for admitted patients. The main method of preparation is the independent daily management of patients by students in various departments of the hospital under the guidance of a teacher. During the duty (one or two duties during the cycle), students of the 6th course (subordinators), under the supervision of the doctor on duty, fill out medical records of incoming patients, draw up a plan of examination and treatment, report the next day on the work done by the teacher in the presence of the group. Daily with students of the 6th course (subordinators), teachers conduct a clinical analysis of patients.

In all faculties during the cycle "Infectious Diseases", students master and pass practical skills with grading in a special register of practical skills.

   The department constantly conduct final computer testing in the subjects under study as part of the execution of the Rector's order on the three-stage knowledge control (current performance, practical skills, computer final testing).

     For over 20 years, the department has been conducting a written exam on infectious diseases in the 5th year of the medical faculty.

      The department has a system of control visits to mutual visits. Records of reciprocal visits are conducted thanks to the original form of the visiting protocol, which takes into account the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the work of the teacher and students in the classroom. Regularly at the cathedral meetings, issues of the course of the educational process, the organization of consultations for students and the reception of work-outs of the missed classes are considered. In order to increase the attendance of lectures, there is a constant monitoring of the presence of students.

     In accordance with the curricula of the current academic year, the department will organize the teaching of some disciplines for the correspondence department of the medical-diagnostic faculty (majoring in nursing).

In all faculties during the cycles “Infectious Diseases” and “Infectious Diseases in Children”, students master and pass practical skills with a mark in a special register of practical skills.

     The department prepared elective courses on the topic "Hepatology" and "Tropical Diseases".

     For 4 courses of medical and pediatric faculties, electives are organized and conducted under the program "Modern Aspects of Infectious Diseases."

     Attention to the educational process, which is paid to the team, combined with the strict objectification of the assessment of students' knowledge. This is what was repeatedly confirmed as a result of an anonymous questioning of university graduates.

     According to the educational department of the university, the department is considered one of the leading among the clinical departments in the organization of the educational process.

main scientific publications


• Nonspecific reactivity of the organism in viral hepatitis. A.I. Khochava, 1975.

• Water-soluble vitamins in infectious pathology. IN AND. Komar, V.S. Vasiliev, A.G. Moiseyenok. 1991.

• Public health of the Republic of Belarus. A look at the problem. V.M. Tsyrkunov. 2002

•Chlamydial infection. V.M. Semenov, D.M. Semenov, D.F. Hvorik, Yu.A. Bazhin, V.M. Kozin, T.I. Dmytrachenko, A.V. Tomchin, I.A. Vorobiev, N.V. Antonova, A.N. Gorodovich, V.M. Tsyrkunov. 2006.

•Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever in Children. V.М. Tsyrkunov, M.I. Нleif. 2007.

• HCV infection: History. Etiology. Epidemiology. Pathomorphogenesis. Patoimmunogenesis. Apoptogenesis. Classification. Chronic hepatitis S. Clinic. Co-infection. Outcomes. Diagnostics. Liver biopsy. Treatment. Clinical examination. Prevention. Adults, children, pregnant. V.M. Tsykrunov, N.V. Matievskaya, S.P. Lukashik. 2012.

• Co-infection of HIV / HCV: etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment. N.V. Matievskaya. 2013.

• Candidiasis: features, possible approaches to therapy. O. Volosach. 2014.

• Chronic tonsillitis. V.M. Tsykrunov, N.A. Rybak, R.F. Rybak, N.I. Prokopchik, M.G. Zubritsky. 2018.

• Tropism of HIV-1: clinical epidemiological, immunological, genetic aspects. N.V. Matievskaya, I.O. Tokunov. 2018.


• Practice of infectious diseases. V.S. Vasiliev, V.I. Komar, V.M. Tsyrkunov. 1993. The practice of infectious diseases. V.S. Vasiliev, V.I. Komar, V.M. Tsyrkunov. 1994.

• Non-drug treatment of infectious patients. V.M. Tsyrkunov, V.I. Komar, V.C. Vasiliev. 1996.

• Preventive immunization. A.V. Vasiliev, V.S. Vasiliev, O.S. Volosach, V.S. Malanova, S.B. Poznyak, V.M. Tsyrkunov. 2002.

• Infectious diseases and prevention of nosocomial infections. V.M. Tsyrkunov, V.S. Vasiliev, Yu.V. Kravchuk, M.I. Bogutskiy, O.S. Volosach, S.B. Poznyak. 2006.

• Children's infectious diseases. Medical practice. V.M. Tsyrkunov, V.S. Vasiliev, A.V. Vasilyev, A.A. Astapov, V.S. Malanova, N.V. Matievskaya, N.V. Pronko. 2009.

• HIV infection in adults and children. Opportunistic infections and diseases. N.V. Matievskaya, V.M. Tsyrkunov, E.L. Krasavtsev, V.F. Eremin. 2011.

• Infectious diseases and prevention of nosocomial infections. V.M. Tsyrkunov, V.S. Vasiliev, Yu.V. Kravchuk, M.I. Bogutskiy, O.S. Volosach, S.B. Poznyak, N.V. Matievskaya, S.V. Kozlov. 2012.

• Children's infectious diseases. Medical practice. V.M. Tsyrkunov, V.S. Vasiliev, A.V. Vasilyev, A.A. Astapov, V.S. Malanova, N.V. Matievskaya, N.V. Pronko. 2013.

•    HIV infection. Opportunistic infections and diseases. N.V. Matievskaya, V.M. Tsyrkunov, D.E. Kireev. 2016.

• Tropical and parasitic diseases. NV Matievskaya, DA Zhmakin. 2014.

• Infectious diseases: a manual for the faculty of foreign students. D. Zhmakin. 2017.

     In addition, 16 collections of scientific works, 20 instructions for use, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, 12guidelines for doctors and students; 25 patents were received, 72 rationalization proposals were introduced, more than 600 published works were published; 30 conferences were held, 8 of them with international participation.

Criteria for assessing knowledge of current performance on a 10-point system

The ten-point scale, depending on the value of the score and grade, includes the following criteria:

10 (ten) points, credited:

systematized, deep and complete knowledge of all sections of the curriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline, as well as on the main issues that go beyond it;

accurate use of scientific terminology (including in a foreign language), competent, logically correct presentation of the answer to questions;

impeccable possession of the tools of the academic discipline, the ability to use it effectively in setting and solving scientific and professional problems;

a pronounced ability to independently and creatively solve complex problems in a non-standard situation;

full and deep assimilation of the main, additional literature on the studied academic discipline;

the ability to freely navigate the theories, concepts and directions in the studied academic discipline and give them an analytical assessment, use the scientific achievements of other disciplines;

creative independent work in practical, laboratory classes, active creative participation in group discussions, a high level of culture in the execution of tasks.

9 (nine) points, credited:

systematized, deep and complete knowledge in all sections of the curriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline;

accurate use of scientific terminology (including in a foreign language), competent, logically correct presentation of the answer to questions;

possession of the tools of the academic discipline, the ability to use it effectively in setting and solving scientific and professional problems;

the ability to independently and creatively solve complex problems in a non-standard situation within the framework of the curriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline;

full assimilation of the basic and additional literature recommended by the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the academic discipline;

the ability to navigate the theories, concepts and directions in the studied academic discipline and give them an analytical assessment;

systematic, active independent work in practical, laboratory classes, creative participation in group discussions, a high level of culture in the execution of tasks.

8 (eight) points, credited:

systematized, deep and complete knowledge in all sections of the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the academic discipline in the scope of the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the academic discipline;

the use of scientific terminology (including in a foreign language), a competent, logically correct presentation of the answer to questions, the ability to draw reasonable conclusions and generalizations;

possession of the tools of the academic discipline (methods of complex analysis, information technology techniques), the ability to use it in setting and solving scientific and professional problems;

the ability to independently solve complex problems within the framework of the curriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline;

mastering the basic and additional literature recommended by the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the academic discipline;

the ability to navigate the theories, concepts and directions in the studied academic discipline and give them an analytical assessment;

active independent work in practical, laboratory classes, systematic participation in group discussions, a high level of culture in completing tasks.

7 (seven) points, credited:

systematized, deep and complete knowledge in all sections of the curriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline;

the use of scientific terminology (including in a foreign language), a competent, logically correct presentation of the answer to questions, the ability to draw reasonable conclusions and generalizations;

possession of the tools of the academic discipline, the ability to use it in setting and solving scientific and professional problems;

fluency in standard solutions within the framework of the curriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline;

mastering the basic and additional literature recommended by the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the academic discipline;

the ability to navigate the main theories, concepts and directions in the studied academic discipline and give them an analytical assessment;

independent work in practical, laboratory classes, participation in group discussions, high) level of culture in performing tasks.

6 (six) points, credited:

sufficiently complete and systematized knowledge in the scope of the curriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline;

use of the necessary scientific terminology, competent, logically correct presentation of the answer to questions, the ability to make generalizations and reasonable conclusions;

possession of the tools of the academic discipline, the ability to use it in solving educational and professional problems;

the ability to independently apply standard solutions within the framework of the curriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline;

assimilation of the basic literature recommended by the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the academic discipline;

the ability to navigate the basic theories, concepts and directions in the discipline under study and give them a comparative assessment;

active independent work in practical, laboratory classes, periodic participation in group discussions, a high level of culture in the execution of tasks.

5 (five) points, credited:

sufficient knowledge in the scope of the curriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline;

use of scientific terminology, competent, logically correct presentation of the answer to questions, the ability to draw conclusions;

possession of the tools of the academic discipline, the ability to use it in solving educational and professional problems;

the ability to independently apply standard solutions within the framework of the curriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline;

assimilation of the basic literature recommended by the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the academic discipline;

the ability to navigate the basic theories, concepts and directions in the studied academic discipline and give them a comparative assessment;

independent work in practical, laboratory classes, fragmentary participation in group discussions, a sufficient level of culture in completing tasks.

4 (four) points, credited:

a sufficient amount of knowledge within the framework of the educational standard of higher education;

assimilation of the basic literature recommended by the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the academic discipline;

the use of scientific terminology, the logical presentation of the answer to questions, the ability to draw conclusions without significant errors;

possession of the tools of the academic discipline, the ability to use it in solving standard (typical) tasks;

the ability to solve standard (typical) tasks under the guidance of a teacher;

the ability to navigate the main theories, concepts and directions in the studied academic discipline and evaluate them;

work under the guidance of a teacher in practical, laboratory classes, an acceptable level of culture in the execution of tasks.

3 (three) points, not credited:

insufficiently complete amount of knowledge within the framework of the educational standard of higher education;

knowledge of a part of the basic literature recommended by the curriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline;

the use of scientific terminology, the presentation of the answer to questions with significant, logical errors;

poor knowledge of the tools of the academic discipline, incompetence in solving standard (typical) tasks;

inability to navigate in the main theories, concepts and directions of the studied academic discipline;

passivity in practical and laboratory classes, a low level of culture in the execution of tasks.

2 (two) points, not credited:

fragmented knowledge within the educational standard of higher education;

knowledge of individual literary sources recommended by the curriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline;

inability to use the scientific terminology of the academic discipline, the presence of gross, logical errors in the answer;

passivity in practical and laboratory classes, a low level of culture in the execution of tasks.

1 (one) point, not credited:

lack of knowledge and (competencies) within the framework of the educational standard of higher education, refusal to answer, failure to appear for certification without a good reason.