IberLEF 2021

Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum

IberLEF is a comparative evaluation campaign for Natural Language Processing Systems in Spanish and other Iberian languages. Its goal is to encourage the research community to organize competitive text processing, understanding and generation tasks in order to define new research challenges and setting new state-of-the-art results in those languages . IberLEF 2021 final workshop will be held ONLINE on September 21st, co-located with the SEPLN 2021 Conference.

Details on the IberLEF 2021 workshop here.

IberLeF 2021 Tasks

Emotions, Stance and Opinions

EmoEvalEs: Emotion classification

REST-MEX: Recommendation System for Text Mexican Tourism

VaxxStance: Going Beyond Text in Cross-lingual Stance Detection

Harmful Information

MeOffendEs@IberLEF 2021: Offensive Language Detection in Spanish Variants

EXIST: sEXism Identification in Social neTworks

DETOXIS: DEtection of TOXicity in comments In Spanish

FakeDeS: Fake News Detection in Spanish

Health-related Information Extraction and Knowledge Discovery

eHealth-KD 2021: eHealth Knowledge Discovery

MEDDOPROF: MEDical DOcuments PROFessions recognition shared task

Humour and Irony

HAHA 2021: Humor Analysis based on Human Annotation

IDPT: Irony Detection in Portuguese

Lexical Acquisition

ADoBo: Automatic Detection of Borrowings