IberLEF 2024


IberLEF is a shared evaluation campaign of Natural Language Processing systems in Spanish and other Iberian languages that has been organized since 2019, and is held as part of the annual conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN). It aims to promote research in text processing, understanding and generation tasks in at least one of the following Iberian languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Basque or Galician.

In this shared evaluation campaign, the research community defines new research challenges and proposes tasks to advance the state of the art in Natural Language Processing (NLP). These tasks are reviewed by the members of the steering and program committees of IberLEF, and finally evaluated by the IberLEF general chairs. The organizers of the accepted tasks, set up the evaluation according to the proposal submitted, promote the task and manage the submission and scientific evaluation of the system description papers submitted by the participants. These scientific papers are included in the IberLEF proceedings published at CEUR-WS.org. Moreover, the task organizers have to prepare and submit an overview of their task evaluation exercise. These overviews are reviewed by the IberLEF organizing committee and finally published in the SEPLN journal. Finally, the task organizers report the results of the tasks and the selected participants present the description of their systems at the IberLEF workshop.

IberLEF 2024 general chairs: