iArcher Privacy Policy

I collect NO personal information using iArcher

I do not collect, use, save or have access to any personal data that you create or enter whilst using iArcher for iOS.

iArcher does not use and external servers, APIs or third party services whatsoever.

All settings relating to iArcher are not personal and are stored only on your device.

All data that you create whilst using iArcher stays completely on your device, and is in no way accessible to me or any third party.

Any location-type information you may enter within the Notes section of a scoresheet whilst shooting is saved only to your device, and I do not have access that data.

The only method of sharing data from iArcher is if you decide to use the export functionality to send scoresheets, sightmarks or personal bests to an email address, but this is fully under your control as a user, and the emails that are sent are only sent to the email address you enter, via the email service you have already set-up and configured on your device.

iArcher does not currently support syncing your data to iCloud.

NOTE: This privacy policy relates only to iArcher functionality - any functionality that falls within the domain of Apple's iOS operating system (such as the collection of application crash logs onto Apple servers) falls under the scope of Apple's privacy policies.