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Merge Two BSTs

  • Approach:

    1. The first we should do is traverse both the tree and insert the elements into a list without NULL nodes.

    2. Sort the array in increasing order.

    3. Now again build another BST with the sorted list.

    4. Follow this process: Sorted Array to Balanced BST

  • Time and Space Complexity:

    • Time Complexity: O(NlgN)

    • Space Complexity: O(N) + Auxilary Stack.

Code [C++]

#include <bits/stdc++.h>


Following is the Binary Tree node structure:

class TreeNode{

public :

int data;

TreeNode *left;

TreeNode *right;

TreeNode(int data) {

this -> data = data;

left = NULL;

right = NULL;


~TreeNode() {

if (left){

delete left;


if (right){

delete right;





void traverseBST(TreeNode<int> * root, vector<int> & numbers){

if(root == NULL) return;

traverseBST(root->left, numbers);

if(root->data != -1)


traverseBST(root->right, numbers);


TreeNode<int> * buildBst(vector<int> & numbers, int start, int end){

if(start > end) return NULL;

int mid = (start + end) / 2;

TreeNode<int> * root = new TreeNode <int> (numbers[mid]);

root->left = buildBst(numbers, start, mid - 1);

root->right = buildBst(numbers, mid + 1, end);

return root;


TreeNode<int> *mergeBST(TreeNode<int> *root1, TreeNode<int> *root2){


traverseBST(root1, numbers);

traverseBST(root2, numbers);

sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());

TreeNode<int>* newRoot = buildBst(numbers, 0, numbers.size()-1);

return newRoot;
