2023 in Retrospect. Let's Hope for a Great 2024

So it's 31st December, 2023. 

One more year has been passed. One more year I have grown older. I'm just trying to put the lights on in 2023. While writing this post I am looking at last year's post and thinking of what I have done throughout the year. 

To start I would like to thank the Almighty, my Family, my would-be Better Half, and my well-wishers for letting me walk with them. I have seen a lot of challenges both professionally and personally. By the grace of God, this year has come to an end for me. I cannot thank enough the people who are with/behind me on this journey. 

Begin with the achievements from 2023 followed by the resolution of 2024. 

So professionally -

And Personally - 

What I especially want to achieve in 2024 is a Better Career Goal and a Better Family Management Skill. As part of the continuous development, I want to build the habit of Reading books

There are some items which left behind in the retrospect of Year'23 goals. However, I prioritized stuff according to my needs.

So this is my resolution for the Year 2024. This is Avik Sarkar signing off from this post. 

Thank you for reading.