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Sort Characters By Frequency

  • Approach:

    1. Counted the appearance of the characters.

    2. Insert them into a priority_queue along with their appearance count and characters themselves.

    3. Took the top of the priority_queue, concatenated the characters with the resultant string, and popped them out.

    4. Returned the resultant string.

  • Time and Space Complexity:

    • Time complexity: O(n)

    • Space complexity: O(ClogC), where C = number of chars.

Code [C++]

class Solution {


string frequencySort(string s) {



int n = s.size();

vector<int>freq(80, 0);

for(int i=0; i<n; i++){



priority_queue<pair<int, char>>top_char;

for(char i='0'; i<='z'; i++){

if(freq[i-'0'] == 0) continue;

top_char.push(make_pair(freq[i-'0'], i));


s = "";


auto current = top_char.top();


for(int i=0; i<current.first; i++){

s += current.second;



return s;

