Expanded Version of the International Affective Digitized Sounds (IADS-E)

About the IADS-E

The IADS-E is an expanded version of the second version of International Affective Digitized Sounds system (IADS-2; Bradley & Lang, 2007a). It consists of 935 digitally recorded natural sounds (including those on the IADS-2) common in daily life, such as babies crying, typing, footsteps, background music, and sound effects. The new sounds in the expanded version were assembled from internet sources and sampled using computer music software or composed by a composer. We divided the sounds in IADS-E (including the IADS-2) into ten semantic categories: animals (N = 54), people (N = 74), nature (N = 70), sounds of daily routines (N = 187), transport (N = 59), electronic sounds (N = 64), sound effects (N = 171), breaking sounds (N = 56), music (N = 170), and scenarios (N = 30). Each sound lasts six seconds and is characterized by Japanese participants according to the affective dimensions of valence, arousal, or dominance/control, according to the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM; Bradley & Lang, 1994) and on three basic emotion-rating scales (happiness, sadness, and fear).

The specific aims of the IADS-E are to (1) enable the comparison of results across various kinds of auditory research (2) provide a reliable auditory stimulus database to examine mechanisms of emotional processing according to different modalities to promote similar emotional research.

The new sounds in the IADS-E are freely accessible to the scientific community for non-commercial use.

The sounds from the IADS-2 can be downloaded from the IADS-2 website:


Request the IADS-E

We provide the new sounds files in the IADS-E for non-profit academic research. To request them, please complete and submit the IADS-E Request Form. Once this form is submitted, you will be given a link to download the IADS-E. This link should not be shared, distributed, or posted anywhere on the website, nor should the IADS-E be distributed to any one besides the requesting individual.

*Please note: We only accept requests from researchers with a master’s degree or above. Undergraduate students should ask their faculty advisors to complete the IADS-E Request Form.

If you used IADS-E for your own research, please cite:

Yang, W., Makita, K., Nakao, T., Kanayama, N., Machizawa, M. G., Sasaoka, T., … Miyatani, M. (2018). Affective auditory stimulus database: An expanded version of the International Affective Digitized Sounds (IADS-E). Behavior Research Methods, 1–15.

Contact: Wanlu Yang, Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, 1-1-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-0046, Japan.

E-mail: yangwanlu0710@gmail.com