"The Secret Place," from Glory to the Holy One, is based on Psalm 91 and expresses the superlative comfort of safely dwelling "in the secret place of the Most High" (Psalm 91:1), where there is "no better place now for us to dwell." Indeed, "no greater comfort can He afford" us than to belong to Him (Heidelberg Catechism No. 1), communing in His presence, feeding in His pasture, trusting His promises, thankful for His provisions, and secure under His protection.

Praise the Lord that Christ "became flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:14) to secure our dwelling with the Father; was forsaken by God (Mark 15:34) to gain our Father's acceptance of us; died and was raised from the dead to give us life and raise us up to sit together in the heavenly places in Him (Ephesians 2:5,6). In Christ, we may rejoice with complete confidence that whoever "dwells within His most secret place is never far from His blessed grace."

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If we want to develop a vibrant relationship with the Lord then we need to learn to dwell in the secret place of God. The Father is always with us, He never leaves us, nor forsakes us. If we really believe this then we need to act accordingly.

To dwell in the secret place means to live in a place of continually drawing near to the Father through communion. It is a place where you talk to Him in the morning, at night, and throughout the day, without the motivation of being recognized by people, only the pure desire to know Him. 

Humanity is not prone to take the long view of life. We seek the next thrill, the next drive-through gratification, the next highlight. David does not point to the next exciting event but to a permanent dwelling place in the presence of God. A place we neither build nor deserve. We will dwell in His presence forever.

Both the tabernacle and the temple had a Most Holy Place, where only the high priest was allowed to enter, and that only once a year. And that only after making atonement for the sins he had committed over the previous year. But the Most Holy Place is the secret place where, in spirit, God invites his people to dwell.

Insecurity and instability characterize the lives of many people today. They wander from place to place in search of a home, never feeling truly settled. This is especially true for refugees and homeless people. But God calls us to make Him our dwelling place, regardless of our circumstances. When we do, we can find security and stability in Him.

In the previous post, we explored the background and overview of Psalm 91. In this blog post, we will explore what it means to make God our dwelling and abiding place. We will share some thoughts on how we can connect with God in a way that provides us with stability and security during times of instability and insecurity.

As long as we refused to dwell in his secret place, we cannot be made to abide under his shadow. And until we abide under his shadow, the divine preservation which is ordained for us in our inheritance cannot become realistic.

God is ever committed to preserve and to exempt his people from every calamity, plagues and troubles, but the people themselves are expected to take up the responsibility of abiding in his secret place.

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The secret dwelling place of God is His Word. In His Word, God reveals the wonders of His grace and love. Dwelling with God means hiding His Word in our hearts by memorizing it and meditating on it. We also dwell with God when we commune with Him in prayer and seek His purpose in our lives. ~J.K.

To dwell also means we walk away from the clamor and enticements of the world. We must be willing to quiet our hearts before Him and allow Him to investigate those inner recesses we reveal to no one else (Psalms 139:23-24, 19:12-14). Secret places imply honesty and trust. We cannot join God in His secret place unless we are willing to be transparent and honest with Him.

There are so many verses in the New Testament showing us that God is in us, Christ is in us, and the Spirit is with our spirit; the entire Triune God is in us and with us, and for us to abide in the Lord so that He may abide in us is that we take Him as our dwelling place, exercising our spirit and our turned heart to abide in Him.

For us to abide in Christ is for us to dwell in Him, taking Him as our dwelling place; He is the eternal God, our Lord, and we need to have our living in Him and take Him as our everything (John 15:4-5; 1 John 4:15-16; Rev. 21:22; Deut. 33:27a; Psa. 90).

In Psa. 90 we see that God has been our dwelling place throughout generations. Christ took God as His dwelling place all the time, and in our identification with Christ we also need to take Christ as our dwelling place.

The Most High is our secret place, and we are sons of the Most High; also, our spirit is the secret place of the Most high, and when we live in the spirit and exercise our spirit, we are dwelling in the secret place of the Most High.

We need to make Jehovah, who is our refuge, our habitation; in the identification with Christ, we are under the preserving care of the angels, and we are protected from Satan and the evil spirits. May we be those who take Christ as our dwelling place so that we may abide in Him and He may abide in us!

For us to abide in Christ, taking Him as our dwelling place, and allow Him to abide in us, taking us as our dwelling place, is actually for us to live in the reality of the universal incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with us, His redeemed and regenerated believers.

Lord Jesus, thank You for giving us a way for us to enter into and live in the divine-human incorporation of God with man. We open to You, Lord, and we want to eat Christ as the hidden manna so that we may eat Christ, digest Christ, and assimilate Christ and thus be incorporated with God and take Christ as our dwelling place for Him to take us as His dwelling place. Hallelujah, we can dwell in God and God can dwell in us by our eating, digesting, and assimilating Christ!

Our Messiah promised that He will return for us and that He stands as our Representative to the Father in heaven.

We also learn in the Feast of Tabernacles, among other things, that we are in a temporary dwelling place in our bodies.

NO OTHER HIDING PLACE IN TIME OR ETERNITY - Men try to hide in a "refuge of lies" (Isa. 28:15, 17) rather than hide in God. They try to hide their sins but God asks "Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him?" (Jer. 23:24). And in the day of His wrath men shall hide themselves caves and rocks in a futile attempt to escape His righteous wrath (Rev. 6:15-17). The only Hiding Place is Christ Jesus, Who will either be our Substitutionary Lamb or our Righteous Judge. "If His first coming does not give you eternal life, His second coming will not. If you do not hide in His wounds when He comes as your Saviour, there will be no HIDING PLACE for you when He comes as your Judge." (Spurgeon)

Ps 31:20 Thou dost hide (satar) them in the secret (hiding) place (seter) of Thy presence from the conspiracies of man; Thou dost keep them secretly in a shelter from the strife of tongues.

HIDE IN CHRIST BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH WHILE TODAY IS STILL CALLED TODAY! - If His first coming did not give you eternal life, His Second Coming will not. If you did not hide in His wounds when He came as your Savior, there will be no hiding place for you when He comes as your Judge. Spurgeon, The Second Coming

Hiding place (05643) (cether/seter for the verb cathar/satar = to hide) is a masculine noun which has the root idea of "hide" with the subordinate thought of protection involved when one is hidden (eg, Jonathan's instruction to David so King Saul might not kill him - 1Sa 19:2). Cether means secret, secret place, covering, hiding place, refuge.

In the NAS and KJV cether is most often translated as "secret" (place, secretly). Some versions (NIV) translate cether as refuge, which conveys the picture of a place which provides shelter or protection from danger, difficulty or distress.

Secret implies concealment on any grounds for any motive (good and bad). And so hiding in God (in His secret place) is good (Ps 31:20), but hiding idols (setting them up in secret - Dt 27:15) or enticing others secretly to worship idols is bad (Dt 13:6), while striking someone in secret deserves a curse (Dt 27:24). God declares His Word was not spoken in secret (Isaiah 45:19, 48:16). Ehud used the enticement of a secret message to gain a private audience with Eglon king of Moab, that he might assassinate him (Jdg 3:19). The Shulammite (Solomon's wife) was likened to a dove in the secret places of a cliff (Song 2:14).

Strong's Definition - 1) covering, shelter, hiding place, secrecy 1a) covering, cover 1b) hiding place, shelter, secret place 1c) secrecy 1c1) secrecy (of tongue being slanderous) n f 2) shelter, protection Usage: KJV - secret 12, secretly 9, covert 5, secret place 3, hiding place 2, backbiting 1, covering 1, disguiseth 1, privily 1, protection 1; 36

Comment: The day of trouble is a certainty in the life of every believer. While it won't last forever (2Cor 4:18), it will come to pass. If we have been meditating in His Temple, we are prepared for the day of trouble (evil). His tabernacle is God's dwelling place. He hides us where He Himself is present!

Spurgeon: This verse gives an excellent reason for the psalmist's desire after communion with God, namely, that he was thus secured in the hour of peril. For in the day of trouble, that needy time, that time when others forsake me, He shall hide me in His pavilion: He shall give me the best of shelter in the worst of danger. The royal pavilion was erected in the centre of the army, and around it all the mighty men kept guard at all hours; thus in that divine sovereignty which almighty power is sworn to maintain, the believer peacefully is hidden, hidden not by himself furtively, but by the king, who hospitably entertains him. In the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me. Sacrifice aids sovereignty in screening the elect from harm. No one of old dared to enter the most holy place on pain of death; and if the Lord has hidden his people there, what foe shall venture to molest them? He shall set me up upon a rock. Immutability, eternity, and infinite power (depicted by the figure of a rock) here come to the aid of sovereignty and sacrifice. How blessed is the standing of the man whom God himself sets on high above his foes, upon an impregnable rock which never can be stormed! Well may we desire to dwell with the Lord who so effectually protects his people. 006ab0faaa

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