Unlike many countries today, it is rare indeed to see exposed tattoos in Japan. Many Japanese people who enjoy tattoos keep them entirely covered for social reasons, and because of the need for employment. Even Yakuza members traditionally contain their extensive ink to areas that sit beneath clothing.

Tattoos are generally outright banned in Japan in these areas and there are often clear signs stating this. While the Japanese are famously polite and non-confrontational, you will cause embarrassment and distress, and will likely bring about a confrontation if you disobey the signs. You may be asked simply to put a shirt on, or in some cases you may be asked politely to leave.

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If you have a tattoo you will be banned from pretty much any public onsen. As clothing cannot be worn in Japanese onsens (no swimwear, etc) and any tattoo is banned, including the most innocent butterfly, this is tricky. Covering tattoos in these environments with a bandage is reportedly very acceptable for Westerners, but for a range of reasons I have not tried this. Depending on the size of your tattoo, that may not be practical, either.

This website lists known tattoo-friendly onsen across Japan (it is in Japanese). They are still the exception, however. If you have a tattoo and you want to experience an onsen, there is another solution, however. (Scroll down to see the section on solutions, below.)

Staying at a ryokan, or traditional japanese inn, is a unique experience worth having. However, in traditional environments like ryokans, tattoos are not looked on favourably. This remains the case even in an ever-changing, more modern Japan.

There are a lot of signs around Japan for places where they are banned. You will rarely find these at temples, but any Japanese person will tell you that covering tattoos at temples and shrines as a sign of respect is much appreciated. If you can, do it.

If no one sees your tattoos, they are your business. If you book a private onsen, rather than attending a public bathhouse, no one will see you naked and you will still be able to experience a Japanese onsen. We gave this a try on our recent trip and I recommend the experience. For further reading and more tips, I recommend reading this blog on visiting onsens when you have tattoos.

I lived and taught in Japan for 2 years and I have a very small (about the size of a 10c piece) tattoo by my inner elbow. In the summer it is horrifically hot and humid in the Osaka/Kobe area so I would naturally wear dresses and short sleeves. Whenever I taught I would have to remember to put a bandaid over my tattoo lest the parents who would watch me teaching see it and freak out. I was allergic to the adhesive on Japanese bandaids so it was awful. On rare occasions when I forgot to put a bandaid on before teaching, I would literally have to teach while trying to keep my inner-elbow for the entire lesson.

Dear Skye,

I am so pleased you had no issues. Japan is a great place. However, it must be said that foreigners with tattoos encounter difficulties with regularity in Japan, including bans from different properties and pools. This is reported widely in the news, online and elsewhere, and is a matter of stated policy at many facilities encountered by the every day tourist. Even knowing what I did, we still encountered issues when checking into standard hotels, with staff worried about giving us pool passes because some ink was showing through our clothes.

It is good to make people aware of potential problems so they can prepare solutions.

Best wishes,


Thanks for sharing, Katie. Wearing a bandaid for teaching when you are allergic to the adhesive must have been very unpleasant. It does get incredibly hot, so covering even small tattoos in summer must be a challenge x

I have a friend who was a teacher in Shizuoka who always wore arm coverings on hers, but one of her co-workers had a small back tattoo that was revealed one day when her shirt rode up, and the parents of her students were extremely keen for her to be removed from her role when they found out.

Well written and thank you for sharing these insights. I am heavily inked, but with hyperrealism works of Japanese historical relevance, like To-Ji Temple, Shinkyo Bridge and individuals like Morihei Ueshiba and Miyamoto Musashi, so I am curious if that would afford me more favor. For example, I want to get pictures with my ink by each respective historical site. Would it cause major issues? Would it be best to ask first?

Cut the moss to shape and press down firmly, in a windy location use cocktail sticks to fix it in place. If your moss is dry and you want to get it growing on a rock, or wood, then use spots of super glue.

It would, but it may take an absolute age to become beautiful. Moss spreads best on flat smooth surfaces, kinda the oposite of the blades of artificial turf. Having said this, I recon once it is fully spread over the artificial lawn it will look fantastic. Perhaps even look like the very mature deep moss found in temperate rainforests?

I give either group presentations or journaling workshops, depending on what the school and teachers want. For presentations, I start by telling a little about where I get my ideas, how I go from idea to finished book (via many revisions!), and then I do a story with the students where they come up with the characters and plot, and I illustrate it for them. They think of three different endings so they can see different possibilities for how a story can turn out and think about what makes one ending better than another.

For journaling workshops, I lead the students through a series of exercises developing characters and tools for better plots (breaking it down into beginnings, middles, and ends). We work on juicy verbs, great first sentences, and satisfying endings.

LIGHT: The Mini Monstera is pretty flexible with placement in your home. If you want to go the direct sun route, make sure it is morning sun as afternoon sun is too hot and bright and can burn your leaves, Otherwise, place it farther back from your brighter windows. Mine gets what I would consider to be medium indirect light and seems perfectly happy with it. If it is getting too little light than the leaves with be smaller, grow slower, and may not develop splits.

HUMIDITY: Now this is the part I struggle with the most, keeping moisture in the air. So much of this depends on where you live, the type of heating and cooling you have, and how your old your home is, but the Mini Monstera comes from Malaysia and Southern Thailand so it wants that humditiy. If you are like me and you need to supplement your humidity, you can purchase a humidifier (this is mine), place your Mini Monsteras in your bathroom (hot shower excuse!), and keep them on a tray of pebbles filled with water.

FERTILIZER: Although we have good intentions when it comes to fertilizing, Rhaphidophora are not always thankful. They are highly susceptible to fertilizer burn. Use a high quality fertilizer that is greatly diluted during the growing months. If you are worried about this than just avoid it, as long as you have that nutrient rich soil, she will be fine.

SUPPORT: I know we touched on this earlier, but these plants naturally climb trees in the wild. They seek out opportunities to climb and prefer a moss pole (check out my DIY here). Moss poles replicate their natural environment and you can mist the moss to encourage the aerial roots to wrap on. Trellises do the job too and are much cute than a moss pole.

CONTAINER: These plants can dry out very fast so I do not recommend terracotta, hypertufa, concrete or any form of unglazed clay. If you do not have an appropriate pot, then just leave it in its plastic nursery pot and set it within another pot. Glazed ceramic is the best as it will help the soil retain water. Choosing a pot is an art form, check out my guide to planter types.

It can be downright frustrating! Do your research on vendors. I got burned by purchasing sea moss from Amazon, so be careful. Not saying that all Amazon sellers are selling poor-quality sea moss, but do a bit of research.

It also makes an AMAZING face & hair mask! Try it!! Spread a thin layer over your face, and let it dry. Rinse with cool water, pat your face dry and follow with a moisturizer. (I use Hemp oil mixed with watermelon seed oil as my moisturizer.)

Sea moss gel will last about one month in the fridge (although you will read varying recommendations). I make mine in small batches monthly. You can freeze sea moss gel if you want to make a big batch and keep it fresh.

There are a few main benefits of being a freelance florist, as opposed to a regular employee. First of all, since you are an independent contractor, you have the freedom to create your own schedule. You can take only the jobs that you want, and you can refuse others. Secondly, as a freelance florist you typically can be paid a higher hourly rate than a part-time or full-time employee. If you can fill your schedule and work a decent amount of hours per month, you have an opportunity to make a significant amount more than a floral designer who is employed part-time or even full-time.

Your business will rely on building up a network. Once you get your foot in the door, it becomes easier to get more jobs through referrals. Make sure that other designers in your circle know you are looking to freelance, so that they can throw your name out to shop owners who have a need!

As I said, every shop owner is different and some may want you to add your own creative pizzaz. If they invite you to do so, then by all means, let your personality shine! But if you get the feeling that it is more about swift production, then jump in line, put your head down and be a powerhouse. If a sample piece is provided, copy it to the best of your ability, make sure that you are honoring the style of the particular brand you are working for, stay on task, focus and work swiftly. I promise you, they will be happy to have you back! 152ee80cbc

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