I Spit on Your Grave is noted for its controversial depiction of extreme graphic violence, particularly the lengthy depictions of gang rape, that take up 30 minutes of its runtime. During its wider release, it was branded a "video nasty" in the United Kingdom, and was a target of censorship by film commissioning bodies.[3][4] As such, film critic Roger Ebert became one of the most notable detractors of I Spit on Your Grave, calling it "a vile bag of garbage".[5] The film remains highly controversial to this day, even being considered to be one of the worst ever made. For some, it is this controversy which has led to it being deemed a cult classic.[6] Despite the controversy and overwhelmingly negative reviews, the performance of Keaton was praised by critics. In 2010, I Spit on Your Grave was included in Time magazine's "Top 10 Ridiculously Violent Movies".[7]

In the commentary for the Millennium Edition, Zarchi said he was inspired to produce the film after helping a young woman who had been raped in New York. He tells of how he, a friend and his daughter were driving by a park when they witnessed a young woman crawling out of the bushes bloodied and naked (he later learned the young woman was taking a common shortcut to her boyfriend's house when she was attacked). They collected the traumatized girl, returned the daughter home, and quickly decided it was best to take the girl to the police rather than a hospital, lest the attackers escape and find further victims.

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So, I've seen the original 70s film, the first remake and the sequel to the first remake, i just watched I Spit on your Grave 2 last night on Tubi, and i remember being disturbed by the first remake, but holy fuck.. the second one actually made me vomit, which almost never ever happens, what are your thoughts on these films?

According to the novel, this peculiar corner of America is full of uninhibited teenage nymphos so before you get out your maps to plan a trip, I have to dampen any enthusiasm and say that I Spit on Your Graves is not a bit realistic in its setting or in its characterisations and instead seems more of a curiosity than anything else.

Once Katie entered, however, she found herself facing the same trio of brothers who assaulted her, and afterwards, Ana turned heel by revealing herself as the boys' mother--spitting in Katie's face and snarling at her for trying to "hurt" her family. The villainess left Katie to be raped again by the boys and their family friend Valko; all the while, the evil Ana played her music at a loud pace to drown out Katie's pained screams--after which she cradled Georgy after they were done with Katie.

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I Spit on Your Graves, a sensational bestseller in France in 1947 that reportedly sold more than half a million copies by 1950, was presented as a translation (by Boris Vian) of a novel written in English by a 'Vernon Sullivan'. The idea that it was unpublishable in the United States seems entirely plausible; it is a very graphic pulp thriller, and Europeans might very well have believed that the racial element made it impossible to release it in the US. 

 The novel is narrated, for the most part, by an angry young man, Lee Anderson. Lee can -- and does -- pass for white, but is apparently black; one of his brothers was killed -- lynched --, and he's out for revenge. He takes a job running a bookstore in a small town and befriends the local youths, teens bored by small-town life and willing to have fun the only way they can around here -- drinking and having sex. Lee provides both. 

 Eventually, Lee sets his sights on two sisters who live a few towns away, the wealthy Lou and Jean Asquith. Jean has at least hit twenty, but Lou is only fifteen. Lee's style of seduction is pretty rough and tumble, but in these parts it seems to work, and despite taking advantage of a completely drunk Jean he soon has both sisters wrapped around his finger.

 When Jean finds herself pregnant, things come to a head faster than he had hoped, but he figures he can take them both out. Naturally, things spin further out of control and don't go quite as planned or hoped for, with an ending of Greek-tragedy proportions. Vian allows the book to a come to a desperate, rushed end, which somewhat diminishes its power and effect, but the conclusion was, of course, inevitable.

 One reason the way Vian ties things up does not work that well is because the book is so shocking from the start. There's not that much violence (except as part of the sex-play that goes on), but there's a lot of loose and graphic sex going on (even as Vian maintains that Sullivan (i.e. he): "thinks more of suggesting by a turn of expression and construction of a sentence than by the crude word. In this respect he comes nearer to a more Latin erotic tradition" ...). There's some simmering racial tension, too, though Vian does not make as much of this as he might have, only bringing things to a head when one of the local youths takes Lee to have sex with some very underage girls ("two little girls about eleven or twelve years old"), one of whom is coloured (though at least that one, which Lee is paired up with, has a body that "had already taken the shape of a woman"). 

 I Spit on Your Graves is genuinely shocking in its display of the loose ways of 40s youths, but only works because Vian has a good ear for dialogue and a good sense of pace. Much of the story, including Lee's various seductions, seem very implausible, but there's a confident air to the whole presentation that prevents it from seeming entirely ridiculous. It reads well, and is an excellent example of the pulp-thriller, even if Vian can't completely hold it together. It also has held up very well, perhaps because it is so much a work of the imagination (as opposed to being based on any real experience of the American South, since Vian had none at that time). 

 Disturbing, but a solid, sex-drenched piece of pulp.

Katie Carter Played by: Jemma Dallender And Now for Someone Completely Different: She is the first protagonist in the series other than Jennifer, and has nothing to do with her. Buried Alive: Her rapists put her in a box and bury it when they're done with her. However, the bottom of the grave collapses into a tunnel and frees her.

First film and remake Johnny  Adaptation Name Change: In the original his last name is Stillman, but in the remake it's Miller. Adaptational Villainy: The remake version has all references to a family removed, making him a lone psycho as well as a stereotypical gun-loving redneck. He also tortures Jennifer with a gun first instead of just raping her. Big Bad: He's the leader of the rapists in the original. Demoted to Dragon: In the remake, it's Sheriff Storch who's the leader instead of Johnny. Disc-One Final Boss: Being the leader, he's only the second to die. Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Despite being a rapist, he cares about his wife and children in the original, an element that gets removed in the remake.

Matthew  Adaptational Heroism: Matthew was always the most sympathetic of the rapists because his mental issues make it clear he's not in his right mind. But despite hesitating, he still joins in the rape and is even shown vaguely enjoying it, as well as helping Johnny's gang hold Jennifer down when Johnny rapes her. Also, the fact that he accepts Jennifer's flirtations in the scene leading up to his death, despite knowing his prior acts are wrong, removes a lot of sympathy towards him (especially since it's implied he was intending to kill Jennifer when he saw her). In the remake he absolutely did not want to participate in the gangrape but was bullied into it Johnny's group (who were armed with baseball bats and other weapons including guns), so he really had no choice, even without his mental disability. He's shown openly remorseful as he rapes her and when he meets Jennifer again post-rape, even though initially he comes armed, he drops his weapon and falls down at her feet weeping and begging for forgiveness, unlike the Matthew of the original film. The Ditz: The film portrays him as mentally disabled. Dumb Is Good: He is The Ditz and by far the most humane of the rapists. Tenfold for the remake where he was forced by Johnny's gang to join in under the presumed threat they would hurt or kill him, and was so remorseful for the act he was weeping as he begged for forgiveness. No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: He is killed by Jennifer after he spared her life. Much more impactful in the remake, where he was the only one of the criminals who (albeit with a weapon in his hand) sought out Jennifer specifically and sincerely to apologize. Peer Pressure Makes You Evil: He only takes part in the rape because his friends pressure him to. Justified in the remake because the gang of rapists were armed with weapons with Johnny wielding a pistol under the implied threat they'd hurt him if he doesn't rape Jennifer. Pet the Dog: When he spares Jennifer's life. Threefold in the remake in his meeting after the crime because he was really remorseful and crying as he asked Jennifer to forgive him.

Becky  Ascended Extra: She only appears for two brief scenes in the first film but is the central antagonist of Deja vu. Beauty Equals Goodness: Inverted, she's a very ugly woman with buckteeth and is the first female rapist (or at least attempted rapist) in the series. Big Bad: She's the leader of the villains in Deja vu. Brawn Hilda: She's very muscular, mannish, and ugly. Characterization Marches On: She seems like a fairly normal woman in the original film but is shown to be an Ax-Crazy Depraved Bisexual in Deja Vu. Depraved Bisexual: She was married to Johnny but has no problems with trying to rape Christy. Double Standard: Rape, Female on Female: Averted, the scene where she tries to force herself on Christy is played for horror. Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Despite being a crazed and murderous Depraved Bisexual and attempted rapist, she did genuinely love her husband and their children. Evil Sounds Raspy: Her voice is very hoarse in Deja vu, despite being normal in the original. Older Than They Look: She should be in her 60s but looks to be in her 40s. Revenge Myopia: She wants to kill Jennifer before raping and killing Jennifer's daughter Christy as revenge for Jennifer killing her husband Johnny after he raped and tried to murder her. 006ab0faaa

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