Write for us

If you’re passionate about writing and have something to say, I Luv Aussie is the right platform for you. We’re always on the lookout for new voices to join our team, and we believe that everyone has different ideas and knowledge to share. We welcome submissions on a wide range of topics, so whether you’re an expert in fashion, beauty, lifestyle, travel, food, entertainment, or something else entirely, we want to hear from you. Furthermore, we charge a small fee for you to add your business information to our site. 

This is a great way to get your name and your work out there in front of a large audience. So if you’re interested in becoming a part of our community, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We would love to hear from you!

Guidelines For Submitting A Post

Check out our requirement for guest post so that you can organize and plan your content accordingly. Submitting content with our desired requirement will increase the chance of publishing your content.

Topics you Can Write Guest Blog

Advanced Search Queries to Find Write for Us/Guest Post

“Guest posting” Keyword

Keyword “write for us”

Keyword + “write for us”

Keyword + “write for us” + guest post

Keyword blog “write for us”

“write for us” Keyword

Keyword “accepting guest posts”

Keyword “become a contributor”

Keyword “guest article”

Keyword “accepting guest posts”

Keyword “articles wanted”

Keyword “become a contributor”

Keyword “become a guest blogger”

Keyword “become an author”

Keyword “become guest writer”

Keyword “submit guest post”

Keyword “contribute to our site”

Keyword “contributing writer”

Keyword “contributor guidelines”

Keyword “guest article”

Keyword “guest author”

Keyword “guest blogger”

Keyword “guest post opportunities”

Keyword “guest post”

Keyword “guest poster wanted”

Keyword “guest posting guidelines”

Keyword “guest posts wanted”

Keyword “looking for guest posts”

Keyword “submit an article”

Keyword “submit article”

Keyword “submit blog post”

Keyword “submit content”

Which Guest Posts Won’t Be Accepted?

There are a few types of guest posts that won’t be accepted. These include posts that are promotional in nature, posts that are not well-written, and posts that don’t fit the theme of the blog. If you’re thinking about submitting a guest post, make sure it is high quality and relevant to the blog’s audience.

It will be better for you to explore our list of blog and article categories for a better understanding. There are certain blog types that we don’t upload on our site:

Where to send a well-prepared article?

You can send your well-structured and organised mail to our mail id iluvaussieadvertisment@gmail.com Also, if you have any queries or want to discuss the topic idea, you can email us your thoughts.