I have found a friend He's everything to me indeed. I listened to it over and over again and again all day and every day. And I shared with friends and family again and again. Thank you so much, the tune and the lyrics are wonderful.

The taught of past, my present challenges and I looked known one to care, I discovered that I am not fighting man or flesh. I need a friend and a best friend. The only best friend that will never leave me or forsake me is Jesus, then I remember 'I have found a friend in Jesus'.

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I have found a friend in Jesus came to my heart his morning and I went on line to check the full lyrics, I am very happy and I feel good about the song . Knowing That Jesus is the best friend to have. God bless the writer of this song.

1 I have found a friend in Jesus-

He's ev'rything to me,

He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul;

The Lily of the Valley- in Him alone I see

All I need to cleanse and make me fully whole.

In sorrow He's my comfort, in trouble He's my stay,

He tells me ev'ry care on Him to roll;

He's the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star,

He's the greatest of ten thousand to my soul.

Here is what the Scofield Bible has to say about this book of song of Solomon or Song of Songs. No where in Scripture do the unspiritual mind tread upon ground so mysterious and incomprehensible as in this book. While the saintliest of men and women of the ages have found it a source of pure exquisite delight. That the love of the divine Bridgroom should follow all the analogies of the marriage relation seems evil only to the minds so ascetic that marital desires seems to them unholy.

A while back I began a series of tweets over several days reflecting on my friendship with Jesus. The response was heartwarming, as many seemed to indicate they found the updates helpful and encouraging. Somebody suggested I write a book on the subject, but I hope you will settle for a blog post. Here are the tweets about my friend Jesus. I hope he is your friend too.

Friendships are also relationships of openness. We cultivate true friendship when we are open and honest. As we share with one another, intimacy is fostered, hearts are united. Openness creates connection, and the gospel allows openness. We can be open, even about our weaknesses and our failings, because we know that we are always loved and accepted. We need not feel ashamed, because Jesus says that we are his friends. Of all people, we as friends of Jesus should have the freedom to be open in our friendships with others.

Hello fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I was saved in high school, and have been a Christian for about twelve years. I was blessed to have grown up in a Christian home. I have a close friend who is a strong atheist, and even though they have been coming to church for a few years, they have yet to believe in Him. I pray and hope that this friend will come to know God. I believe that God brought them to set foot in our church for a purpose. I am thankful that my friend is still coming to church, despite their reluctance to come to faith. I am praying almost every day for this friend, and I am trying to be a good friend by showing that I care. I fully understand that God is in ultimate control over this, and He is the only one who can change my friend's heart.

If you were an Atheist who came to know Christ, could you share your testimony? I would love to hear how God changed your life, and it would be encouraging for me to have hope for my friend. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Thank you, John, for making your post about what is written in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. I have found that many people are saying Christians are picking and choosing what parts of the Bible to follow, without understanding what the crucifixion of Christ meant and how it changed the requirements of the Old Testament. I agree that we are to be holy first, even before being happy.


Thank you so much for sharing this. We all need to understand what others go through, instead of judging. I have gay/lesbian friends and I pray to stay close to them and be ready and useful for when they need guidance, love and acceptance. May God use us all.

Thanks for sharing. I agree with you perspective on the scripts. My question is couldnt it be possible the love and connection as one may have for a friend can be easily distorted. And depending on certain past experience further into a different type of love, lust even as a sexual attraction quite easily?

Thank you for writing this. As I read it, I felt this also pertains to heterosexuals who put a boyfriend/girlfriend before God as well. I was guilty of that before I was married and I now see the pain it caused me and how that previous relationship was so destructive and how much more destructive it could have been had I stayed in it.

12This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. 14You are my friends if you do what I command you. 15No longer do I call you servants,1 for the servant2 does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. 16You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. 17These things I command you, so that you will love one another.

Gary left the service, we married, and the first year was great. However, the next ten years would be difficult. The things Gary struggled with seemed to be magnified without the presence of the Holy Spirit. I hated confrontation, so I kept the peace. But inside, I found myself placing the blame on his spiritual condition instead of allowing God to show me my own. I longed for spiritual leadership and wanted my kids, a son and a daughter by now, to have a Christian home. But the more I expressed these desires to my husband, the more inadequate Gary felt, the more hopeless I felt, and the harder marriage got.

While I grew up always knowing about Jesus, I never really knew Him as my friend. This all changed in my second year at Boston University when some students from the Catholic Center made a personal invitation for me to hang out with them. Through these friendships I encountered the love of Christ, and by imitating their example, I cultivated a deeply intimate and dynamic relationship with Jesus. With their encouragement and patience, I gradually began to turn away from my life of chasing empty amusement, and toward a life rooted in prayer, which brought with it profound peace and joy I never knew could exist.

In other words, friendships are not just important to have a HAPPY life, we all know that, they matter more than anything else (including smoking which was the only factor remotely approaching the difference in mortality rates) as to whether and how long you live at all. Even after a heart attack or a stroke, people with friends had a 50% greater chance of survival.

Send your thoughts to Letters to the Editor. Learn moreAugust 13, 2009Share on FacebookShare on TwitterEmail to a friendPrint As we sweat through the dog days of summer, all I want to do is sit on the porch, drink lemonade and play guitar. Typically, however, I have found it hard to relax. In the complex and unjust world we live in, it always seems like there is so much, too much, to do. In the end, there never seems like a lot of time to rest or take care of myself.

Our Catholic faith is very centered around doing, in particular doing for others. This is one of the things that I love the most about our church -- this attention to the needs of others. However, somewhere in there, I think we may lose sight of what we need to do for ourselves to be healthy, happy and whole.

I have found that, after leaving the school setting where friendships were a given and moving to a big city, that it can be hard to put myself out there to make new friends or nuture new friendships. It seems easier sometimes just to go home and play it safe.

While we all have different ideas of what it means to be a friend and different thresholds for the amount of friends we need, friendship is so important to leading happy and healthy lives. True friendship brings out the best in us, lets us relax and enjoy the gifts we have.

As a Christian, how should I relate to a gay-identified friend or family member? I have several relationships that involve this dynamic, including both non-Christians and those who claim to be followers of Christ. Any suggestions?

Such attempts to divorce the physical from the spiritual are nothing new. In fact, it even has a name: Docetism, and it appeared as early as the second century, A.D. Docetism (from the Greek dokeo, meaning "to seem" or "to have the appearance of") teaches that Christ only appeared to be human, but in fact, he had no flesh. In other words, he was a kind of ghost; a purely spiritual being who only took on the guise of the physical, and he wasn't truly human. Jesus Christ had no blood, bones, skin, lungs, sweat, or hair follicles, because those things are lesser. They're dirty. They're impure. And God is not to be found in them, because God has nothing to do with our physical, embodied existence.

First, the Lord commanded Ananias to go to Saul. Though frightened, Ananias obeyed and became the first friend Saul found in his new family of faith.Second, Barnabas became Saul's advocate and friend in Jerusalem. If not for Barnabas, Saul might not have even met the frightened apostles.

Saul never got over the friends he found in Ananias and Barnabas. By becoming those faithful friends, they were about to change the world. It's impossible to understate the power of a faithful friend, and it's critically important that we be that friend to people in our lives.

Have you already been thinking about the best friends you've had? If the faces of your favorite people have already come to mind, you're remembering people who found a way to be with you. Many of them were with you in the routine of life. Maybe you attended class together. Perhaps you grew up in the same home. Maybe it's a favorite tennis partner, or the fishing buddy. If you live long enough, the best friends of your life were also those who found a way to be with you during tough times. How many stories would we have today if we told of friends who drove hundreds of miles to be with you, who jumped on an airplane to stand by your side, or those who canceled appointments to join you? The details differ, butone thing is certain about faithful friends; they don't stop with a phone call, letter, or an e-mail. They find a way to be there. e24fc04721

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