A limb has fallen from the family tree. / I keep hearing a voice that says, "Grieve not for me. / Remember the best times, the laughter, the song. / The good life I lived while I was strong. / Continue my heritage, I'm counting on you. / Keep smiling and surely the sun will shine through. / My mind is at ease, my soul is at rest. / Remembering all, how I truly was blessed.

Continue traditions, no matter how small. / Go on with your life, don't worry about falls / I miss you all dearly, so keep up your chin. / Until the day comes we're together again.

Fill not your hearts with pain and sorrow, / but remember me in every tomorrow. / Remember the joy, the laughter, the smiles, / I've only gone to rest a little while. / Although my leaving causes pain and grief, / my going has eased my hurt and given me relief. / So dry your eyes and remember me, / not as I am now, but as I used to be. / Because, I will remember you all / and look on with a smile. / Understand, in your hearts, / I've only gone to rest a little while. / As long as I have the love of each of you, / I can live my life in the hearts of all of you.

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You can shed tears that he is gone / Or you can smile because he has lived / You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back / Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left / Your heart can be empty because you can't see him / Or you can be full of the love that you shared / You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday / Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday / You can remember him and only that he is gone / Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on / You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back / Or you can do what he would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

If Death should beckon me with outstretched hand and whisper softly of "An Unknown Land"; I shall not be afraid to go. For though the path I do not know, I take Death's Hand without a fear, for He who safely brought me here will also take me safely back. And though in many things I lack, He will not let me go alone into the "Valley That's Unknown"... So I reach out and take Death's Hand and journey to the "Promise Land".

Feel no guilt in laughter, he knows how much you care. / Feel no sorrow in a smile that he's not here to share. / You cannot grieve forever, he would not want you to. / He'd hope that you can carry on, the way you always do. / So talk about the good times and the ways you showed you cared, / The days you spent together, all the happiness you shared. / Let memories surround you, A word someone may say. / Will suddenly recapture a time, an hour, a day, / That brings him back as clearly as though he were still here, / And fills you with the feelings that he is always near. / For if you keep these moments, you will never be apart. / And he will live forever locked safe within your heart.

For every pain, that we must bear, / For every burden, every care. / For every grief, that bows the head, / For every tear-drop that is shed. / For every hurt, for every plight, / For every lonely, pain racked night. / There's a reason. / But if we trust God, / As we should, It will all / work out for our good. / He knows the reason.

When tomorrow starts without me, / and I'm not here to see, / if the sun should rise and find your eyes, filled with tears for me. / I wish so much you wouldn't cry, / the way you did today, / while thinking of many things / we didn't get to say. / I know how much you love me, / as much as I love you, / and each time you think of me, / I know you'll miss me too. / When tomorrow starts without me, / don't think we're far apart, / for every time you think of me, / I'm right there in your heart.

Another leaf has fallen, / another soul has gone. / But still we have God's promises, / in every robin's song. / For He is in His Heaven, / and though He takes away. / He always leaves to mortals, / the bright sun's kindly ray. / He leaves the fragrant blossoms, / and lovely forests, green. / And gives us new found comfort, / when we on Him will lean.

God grant me the serenity / to accept the things I cannot change; / the courage to change the things I can; / and the wisdom to know the difference. / Living one day at a time; / Enjoying one moment at a time; / Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; / Taking, as He did, this sinful world / as it is, not as I would have it; / Trusting that He will make all things right / if I surrender to His Will; / That I may be reasonably happy in this life / and supremely happy with Him / Forever in the next. / Amen.

Some day the silver cord will break / And I no more as now shall sing / But oh, the joy when I shall wake / Within the palace of the King / And I shall see Him face to face / And tell the story Saved by grace / And I shall see Him face to face / And tell the story Saved by grace. / Some day my earthly house will fall / I cannot tell how soon 'twill be / But this I know my All in All / Has now a place in heav'n for me. / Some day, when fades the golden sun / Beneath the rosy tinted west / My blessed Lord will say, Well done / And I shall enter into rest. / Some day till then I'll watch and wait / My lamp all trimmed and burning bright / That when my Savior opes the gate / My soul to Him may take its flight.

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

When God calls little children to dwell with Him above. We mortals sometime question the wisdom of His love. For no heartache companies with the death of one small child who does so much to make our world seem wonderful and mild. Perhaps God time of calling the aged to His fold, so He picks a rosebud before it can grow old. God knows how much we need them, and so He takes but few to make the land of Heaven more beautiful to view. Believing this is difficult still somehow we must try. The saddest word mankind knows will always be "Goodbye," so when a little child departs, we who are left behind must realize God loves children. Angels are hard to find.

Lennon said he bought the book, went home, took LSD, and followed the instructions exactly as stated in the text.[17][18] The book held that the "ego death" experienced under the influence of LSD and other psychedelic drugs is essentially similar to the dying process and requires similar guidance.[19][20] This is a state of being known by eastern mystics and masters as samdhi (a state of being totally aware of the present moment; a one-pointedness of mind).[citation needed]Harrison questioned whether Lennon fully understood the meaning of the song's lyrics:

Basically [the song] is saying what meditation is all about. The goal of meditation is to go beyond (that is, transcend) waking, sleeping and dreaming... I am not too sure if John actually fully understood what he was saying. He knew he was onto something when he saw those words and turned them into a song. But to have experienced what the lyrics in that song are actually about? I don't know if he fully understood it.[14]

The title never appears in the song's lyrics. Lennon later revealed that, like "A Hard Day's Night", it was taken from one of Ringo Starr's malapropisms.[17] In a television interview in early 1964, Starr had uttered the phrase "Tomorrow never knows" when laughing off an incident that took place at the British Embassy in Washington, DC, during which one of the guests had cut off a portion of his hair.[21][22] The piece was originally titled "Mark I"[15][23] and was referred to as such in the EMI studio documentation until the Beatles were remixing tracks for the Revolver album in June.[24] "The Void" is cited as another working title, but according to Beatles historian Mark Lewisohn, this resulted from Neil Aspinall, the band's road manager and assistant, referring to it as such in a contemporary issue of The Beatles Book.[25] Lennon said he settled on Starr's phrase "to sort of take the edge off the heavy philosophical lyrics".[26] He also said "The Void" would have been a more suitable title, but he was concerned about its obvious drug connotations.[27] According to Aspinall's account in The Beatles Monthly, the musical portion of the song was the result of all four Beatles working to ensure the music matched the power of Lennon's lyrics: "The basic tune was written during the first hours of the recording session."[28]

"Tomorrow Never Knows" was sequenced as the final track on Revolver, which EMI's Parlophone label issued on 5 August 1966.[88][89] According to author Mark Hertsgaard, as the first song recorded during the Revolver sessions, its sequencing ensures that the track serves as "the summit to which the entire album ascends".[90] In his design for the LP cover, Klaus Voormann drew inspiration from the song, recognising the need for artwork that would capture the Beatles' new direction[91] and the avant-garde aspect of the recording.[92] Voormann later said that he found "Tomorrow Never Knows" "frightening", adding that it was "so far away from the early Beatles stuff that even I myself thought, well, the normal kind of Beatles fan won't want to buy this record. But they did."[93] In an interview in October 1966, Harrison described the song as "easily the most amazing new thing we've ever come up with", but acknowledged that it might represent "a terrible mess of a sound" to listeners who approached the track without "open ears". He added: "It's like the Indian stuff. You mustn't listen to Eastern music with a Western ear."[67] 17dc91bb1f

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