Hello How Are You I Am Under the Water refers to a 2015 video by Instagram user Just Sul in which he uses a filter to make it appear as if he is underwater while comically describing that he is drowning due to too much rain. A variation of the video was popular on Vine in 2015, and became popular through reposts to various sites in 2020.

On October 28th, 2015, Just Sul[1] recorded a video of his face with an underwater filter, saying, "Hello, how are you? I am under the water, please help me, here too much raining," followed by an "ooh" sounds. Throughout the video, Just Sul is smiling, contrasting what he's saying about drowning. The video was reuploaded to YouTube[2] on October 28th, 2015 by Biglife, garnering over 607,000 views and 16,000 thumbs ups in 5 years (shown below).

I Am Under The Water Please Help Me Download

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On April 9th, 2019, robloxratty uploaded a video of a Roblox character under water set to the sound of Just Sul's video to Instagram,[6] garnering over 260,000 views in 20 months. The video was reuploaded to YouTube[7] by Loi on June 4th of that year, garnering over 770,000 views in 18 months (shown below, left).

On October 13th, 2019, gingaparente reuploaded the video to TikTok[8] under an original sound, garnering over 548,000 views in 14 months. On March 11th, 2020, Instagram meme creator Labrynth.mp4 uploaded a video to Instagram[11] featuring the video of Just Sul edited to make him look like Mario underwater, garnering over 58,000 views in 39 weeks (shown below, left). On July 6th, raeraerandy uploaded a video edit to Instagram[12] using the clip of Jus Sul, garnering over 127,000 views in 4 months (shown below, right).

Since December 9th, 2020, gingaparente's original TikTok sound has been used in over 3,900 videos across the platform, many attributed to memes and videos of subjects underwater for comedic effect (examples shown below, left and right).[9][10]

Waterproof doesn't mean you can use it under water. It just means that it can be put under water without destroying it. Sonic distance sensors that are made for under-water use are usually called sonar but you'll find more on the internet if you use the search term "boat depth sensor".

Ultrasonic transducers intended for underwater ranging require sophisticated, high frequency and high voltage (typically 200V) electronics to operate. Ultrasonic transducers intended for air don't work underwater.

And, if a $15 JSN-SR04T will do the job for some hobbyist, great. (As you noted, the only example using that particular sensor underwater was not entirely persuasive, and it would be interesting if someone, like the OP of this thread, could corroborate the findings...his/her current "0" could be because of too shallow depth.)

The one true sonar sensor you've identified lately (that I've noticed) is the "Airmar DST800 underwater transducer (cost about $270)" used in the cool Sea Renderer project that you mentioned. Which other sensor, costing less than the $99 MaxBotix and easy to use with the Arduino, did you have in mind?

Also known as submerged aquatic vegetation, or SAV, underwater grasses are plants that grow in the shallow waters of the Chesapeake Bay and its streams, creeks and rivers, and are a critical part of the Bay ecosystem.

These grasses also act as an excellent measure of Chesapeake Bay health. Although underwater grasses are sensitive to pollution, they respond fairly quickly to improvements in water quality. This means their abundance is a good indicator of restoration progress. You can watch changes in underwater grass abundance over time using this interactive map.

In 2021, an estimated 67,470 acres of underwater grasses were mapped in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries. This is a 7% increase from the 2020 total of 63,132 acres, but it only 37% of the 185,000 acres needed for a restored Bay. 

Just like plants on land, underwater grasses go through photosynthesis to convert sunlight into food. Sunlight, therefore, is the most important factor determining grass survival. Water must be clear enough for sunlight to pass through it and reach the grasses that grow on the bottom of rivers, streams and the Chesapeake Bay.

Some species, like eelgrass, cannot grow in water that is too warm. In 2005, high temperatures caused large beds of eelgrass in the lower Chesapeake Bay to die. It can take several years for underwater grass beds to recover from these kinds of large-scale losses.

Chesapeake Bay Program partners use four initiatives to restore and maintain the health of underwater grasses: improving water clarity, planting underwater grasses, protecting existing grass beds and enhancing underwater grass-related education and outreach.

Rising temperatures that accompany climate change could make the Bay an unsuitable habitat for certain underwater grass species. And the flooding and shoreline erosion that accompany sea level rise could lead to a further decline in water clarity.

The Bay Program Program is committed to restoring and conserving underwater grass through the Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Outcome, which aims to achieve 130,000 acres by 2025, and ultimately, 185,000 acres of SAV Bay-wide. In 2021, there were an estimated 67,470 acres of underwater grasses in the Chesapeake Bay, which is 37% of the 2025 goal.

Underwater grasses are a critical part of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem because they provide food and habitat for countless species. They also help keep the water clear and healthy by absorbing nutrients, trapping sediments, reducing erosion and adding oxygen.

Underwater grasses are a critical part of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. Without them, underwater creatures such as fish and blue crabs do not have the shelter they need to survive, and migratory waterfowl do not have enough food to eat.

Another important role of underwater grasses is to hold bottom sediments in place. If they are gone, waves can stir up bottom sediments and make the water cloudy. This can affect grass beds growing in other areas, because they need clear water to survive.

When I exhale completely 100% before taking my last breath, I feel my head going a bit numb for a few seconds. So I was wondering if maybe I was exhaling too deep and if that could be dangerous underwater as maybe I am exhaling also too much co2?

USOA is the national governing body for underwater sports in the USA. It is a charter member of the World Underwater Federation (CMAS). As a member of CMAS, USOA sanctions yearly local, regional and national underwater championships in underwater hockey, underwater rugby, fin swimming, spearfishing and visual.

Welcome to USOA! Our site can help you with membership, event registration and information. Each sport & club has their own page. If you would like to update information for your club page, please let us know.

Be sure to read this new peer-reviewed medical journal article on the classification of underwater hockey as an apneic sport. We are hopeful it may change some pools' perspectives on the safety of the sport and improve venue accessibility.

Underwater is the right way.

I use a shallow bowl that is wide enough to get my hand into so that I can hold the bead underwater. Using a cordless Dremel, I turn it on before I put the tip into the bead and no problem. I did expect to get a shower but the water stays put. I am very careful not to get the collet wet as I have read that others had a problem with it getting corroded.


I have a battery dremel and I just turn the faucet on to a tiny stream and hold the bead in it while I ream it out. I also keep a container under it to catch the water as I have heard it is best not to put release into your septic tank. I have a tall tin container that catches the water, the kind you buy for flowers at Target, Fred Meyers etc. When it is not in the sink I keep ice and water in it while I torch to throw messed up hot beads into as I torch Peg M

The Massachusetts Board of Underwater Archaeological Resources (BUAR) is the sole trustee of the Commonwealth's underwater cultural heritage and is charged with encouraging the discovery, reporting, interpretation, and protection of these resources. While underwater archaeological resources are commonly shipwrecks (there are more than 3,500 shipwrecks within Massachusetts waters), they also include submerged Native American sites, wharves, and aircraft.

PLEASE NOTE: The BUAR office has moved to 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900. See "Contact BUAR" below for details.

As the official steward of the Commonwealth's underwater heritage, BUAR promotes and protects the public's interests in these resources for recreational, economic, environmental, and historical purposes.

This "underwater" cooking technique is going to blow your mind, both by the sheer brilliance of the science behind it, and also by how deliciously tender and flavourful the chicken becomes! After seeing how this works (it's all explained in the video) you might think it's a newly developed technique by smart science nerds, but this method has actually been used by rural Thais long before food science became trendy. And whoever was the first person to come up with this has my total respect.

Many people are unclear about how this works (perhaps I was trying to be too brief in the video!), so I am going to try to write out the explanation as thoroughly as possible. I apologize if I go over what you might consider basic science in too much detail, but I want to make sure it's clear enough for everyone to understand. Hopefully this will help!

But first, a burning question: Is this essentially a pressure cooker?

No. I can see why people might think this is the case, because like the underwater technique, the pressure cooker also seals most of the liquid inside the pot. However, the primary purpose of the pressure cooker is to create a high pressure environment, which exactly the opposite of what we're trying to do. In fact, the only purpose of keeping the water cold is to PREVENT pressure from building up inside the pot. Why are we trying to prevent pressure from building up? Safety. 006ab0faaa

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